Chapter 23

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Steven went towards the chamber ready to summon his shield. He looked at his destination, there were two topaz in the door. Steven walked towards them, if they think he's a diamond, then he might as just pretend to be her.

The topaz looked at Steven shocked, and opened the door. When Steven went to the room it was pitch black after they closed the door,but then suddenly the light came, showing yellow diamond sitting in her chair looking at Steven, angrily.
"What are you doing? Pink.."

"I'm taking back my friends!"

Yellow looked at the bubble where ruby,sapphire and amethyst were in and pointed at them, "you call these your friends, they are just useless gems who aren't good for nothing! A gem who is not her original size, and two gems who fused who one was a high noble class while the other one was their servant."
Steven got angry pointing at her, "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!"

Yellow looked at him, "why would I if I'm just telling the truth"Steven looked up at yellow, "they are not useless, they were the ones who raised me, protecting me from you and your army from destroying the earth and shattering gems!they are my fa...

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Yellow looked at him, "why would I if I'm just telling the truth"
Steven looked up at yellow, "they are not useless, they were the ones who raised me, protecting me from you and your army from destroying the earth and shattering gems!they are my family!"

Yellow looked at Steven annoyed by him, thinking about the past of no 'she' acted when pink wanted a colony and broke a window.yellow just thought that pink was throwing another tantrum as she always did.
Yellow then grabbed Steven and was going to bring her to white, but it made Steven angry and got his shield ato throwed it at her face.

Yellow drop Steven making him fall, but it didn't hurt him. Yellow grabbed her cheek looking down to see a pearl and other gems that she never knew. Now again, she's had more friends.
Steven looked up at her with his shield ready as pearl took out her spear. Bismuth, spinel, peridot and lapis are ready to fight.
Yellow thought to herself, 'pink is really doing this for her friends?! They must be special to her. But no matter everything has to finish especially on her games and tantrums.she needs to stop now.'

(A/N:hey there it's me! Again yesterday at 1 I tried to log in and it couldn't let me I'm not sure why so I tried and tried but I couldn't so I had to reset my password again because of this. And also I had a second profile that I can't go anymore which made me sad. Anyways hope u have a good day and stay safe!)

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