Chapter 16 | Part Two

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The very last installment is here! I won't waste your time with another recap, as anyone reading this probably has read, or at least knows about, part one.

Feel free to get right into it, everyone. Let me know what you think, good or bad.

[C]❗️Don't forget to read the special announcement!❗️

Raven was here, at Beacon Academy, of all places! On the mental list of people Yang expected to run into on her jog, her mother was...well, no, she wasn't last. She wasn't on the list at all.

Yang didn't let her shock at this new development stop her from getting to the point.

"Why are you here?" she asked, still unable to take her eyes off of Raven.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," the tribe leader said with a hint of snark. She moved away from the wall and rested a hand on her hip, sizing her daughter up.

"Close enough," Yang said. She strode to the opposite side of the arch they stood under and faced Raven, a skeptical frown plastered across her lips. "So, why come and see me now? You could've whenever you wanted."

Raven sighed. "Qrow told me you enrolled here. I came to, first of all, find out what the hell you were thinking," she stressed through clenched teeth. "Also, I wanted to see it for myself."

"Okay. You've seen. Are we done, then?"

Clicking her tongue, Raven shook her head. "You've always had quite a mouth on you, Yang."

"Yeah," Yang smiled back, refusing to let Raven steer this conversation or get under her skin. "I have you to thank for that, mom."

"Ha-ha," Raven mocked, resting a hand on her sword hilt, but making no move to draw the blade. The deafening pang of uncomfortable silence that followed made Yang want to be as far away from here as possible. Would Raven just get this over with already?

The unwelcome visitor spoke after what seemed like eons. "So, you're really fine with being Ozpin's lapdog now, Yang? After everything I told you?"

Scoffing before she could stop herself, Yang clenched her fists. "No way. That's not what I'm doing. I came here because I need to keep Ruby safe from all of this. She doesn't know anything, and she could end up getting hurt."

"Aww," Raven cooed bitterly, "isn't that sweet of you?"

"Look," Yang said, "can we get to the point here? I have things to do today."

"What," Raven asked with a sarcastic chuff, "are you eager to go on adventures with your new team of would-be Huntresses?"

Yang paused. "Actually, I am, but that's not it." She nodded toward the school in the distance. "We have a very important mission today." Yang didn't elaborate. After all, the search for Blake they were going on first thing this morning was none of her mother's business.

Something flickered in Raven's expression. It was only an instant, but long enough for Yang to notice. Could she be jealous?

"If you want to reconsider and come back to the tribe, Yang, there's still time. I'll allow you this one...lapse in judgment."

"Oh, that's rich," Yang shot back, shaking her head. "I won't be coming back. Even if I left Beacon, I'd never hurt people and steal from the innocent for you again."

"Why the sudden conscience?" Raven balked, pacing in a half-circle. "You used to be so loyal to our cause, and now just like that, you're going to abandon everything you've ever known?"

Without being able to see for herself, Yang knew her eyes must have flashed red. She could tell by the feeling of blood coursing through her veins, filling her with warmth and rage. "You don't get to do that. You're not the victim here."

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