Chapter 31: Old Faces

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Chapter 31: Old Faces

I started driving back to the house. I kept tapping my finger on the wheel out of anxiety and every little sound there was I quickly looked. I was paranoid about what he had said. I still believed that Slater could stop Dimitri. If Dimitri could control the government, everything and everyone would be fucked. I now understood why Slater had left, if he didn't Dimitri would've snitched on us. I wondered how he even got our locations, what did he do?

I didn't know how I would bring up Slater killing his own father to him. I wanted to know why he did that. Maybe his father was just as bad as his uncle? And whatever happened to his mother?

I also questioned when this would all go down. I assumed it would be around when Slater gets back, Dimitri said he wanted to take me away in front of Slater after all. He had a sick and twisted mind and whatever he planned to do with the power he would possibly achieve would be even worse. I have to chip in as much as I can because my family lives are on the line and that it was made me anxious. My family is innocent they don't deserve to be in this mess. If anything does happen, I know it is my fault. That's why I need to kill Dimitri before he can do anything.

I don't know how I would kill him or when if anything I think I will know at the right moment went to do it. When I have a weapon in my hand and he is vulnerable, then I would do it. But when would that ever happen? Will it be when he is taking over the government, going after my family, or after me? I would have to survive this to find out because that is all I wanted to do right now.

I pull up into the driveway of the house, parking the car. I quickly get out of the car and run up the steps to enter the house. I was eager to tell Grace what had happened. Soon I was inside and there was Grace, Nik, Jordan, and Chase all sitting there at the kitchen counter. They stopped their conversation once they heard me come in. They all turned and looked at me. "What did he say, Danielle?" Grace quickly asked me. Jordan, Chase, and Nik looked at her with confused looks. "What happened?" Nik quickly said looking at me. "You didn't tell them?" I said to Grace as I walked up to the kitchen counter with all of them. "No oops, " Grace said with a giggle.

"What is it?" Jordan asked me, "Dimitri called me yesterday asking to meet up at 7:00 p.m today. And I went." I said looking at him back. "What the fuck you just went and didn't tell us?" Chase quickly barged in. "I thought Grace would've told you guys, " I said shrugging my shoulders, "it's  not that big of a deal I'm here now..." I continued on, not finding the problem. "You could've been taken or killed!" Said Chase again with anger towards me. "Yeah, and Slater told me to not let you leave the house at all." Nik said with an annoyed voice, "that's your problem because you obviously didn't comply, " I snapped back.

Before Chase could snap at me Jordan quickly spoke, "what did he say? That's what matters." I nodded my head then began. "Well, the reason behind Slater leaving is because Dimitri would've dropped our locations to the government, and him hiding helps them do whatever without Slater finding out or messing them up. He also told me he was going to take over the government and destroy the group, all of his future plans. And he really wanted to destroy Slater's life by taking everything he loves." I finished off taking a big breath.

"He sounds confident, " Chase scoffed then laughed. Grace looked at him and rolled her eyes, he looked at her back with an amused look. "Did he say anything else?" Jordan questioned me, ignoring what Chase had said. I thought about it then Slater killing his dad was brought up in my thoughts, I quickly shot that down as I did not want to bring that up with them. "He threatened to hurt me and my family. Other than that there's nothing else, " I replied to Jordan. He nodded his head and was into deep thought about what I said.

Grace then put her hand on mine to comfort me. I looked away from her as I started to tremble from the threats Dimitri had made to me. "Hey, " she said softly to me, I looked at her, "we won't let him get near your family or you. We will protect you Danielle and your family. Okay?" Grace said sweetly to me, assuring me of my safety. I nodded my head and smiled, "thank you, Grace, " I replied back. It made me feel better that I had a whole team on my side to protect my family. All I wanted to be was for them to be safe.

Jordan got up from his seat and left the room, I didn't know what Nik and Chase were talking about with him but it made him leave in deep thought. "Slater is coming back on Sunday right?" Chase asked Nik, "yeah that's what Jordan told me." Nik replied nodding his head. "Sunday we need to be prepared then because that could be the day he strikes as Slater will be vulnerable," Chase said but then turned his attention quickly to the movement in the back. Everyone turned to see Tank limping towards us. He was still badly injured from a couple of days ago. I almost forgot that Slater brought him here after Scorpion was killed.

"Hi Tank, you okay?" Grace said sweetly to him with a worried look as she noticed his injuries were still bad. "Yeah, thank you." He replied back while he walked to the other side that faced me. I glanced at him then looked away quickly. The thought of what happened that night flashed in my mind. I don't know if Slater will ever get over that.

Grace, Nik, and Chase quickly got back into their conversation. I drowned out what they were saying by thinking about that night. Looking at Tank reminded me of the soft feeling of his lush lips against mine. I sighed in the annoyance of me doing that. It was all a mistake, it should've never happened but it did.

I glanced at him and caught him staring at me. I knew what we were both thinkings. Suddenly he started to wince at the pain from his injuries. He looked like he was in misery, his face was completely beaten up. I quickly ran over to him and comforted him as he was in great pain. "Fuck, " he muttered as he placed his hand over a now open cut on his arm. I put my hands on his arm and looked at the open wound. "It opened up, it needs to be bandaged again quickly," I said to him, looking at him in the eyes then back at the cut.

"Hey, hey no touching." Nik quickly said pointing at us. I looked up at him with a confused look while my hands were still on Tank's arm. "What?" I said with a scoff, "what do you mean?" Nik sighed, "you guys cannot touch each other after that kiss. I won't allow it and Slater ordered it." He said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "uh, do you not see the condition that Tank is in?" I scowled at him. "Yes I do, but you can let Grace handle that, not you," he said with a stern voice. "This is so stupid, Slater isn't even here why does it matter it's not like I'm gonna kiss him again?" I said to Nik, throwing up my hands in anger. Chase and Nik looked at each other and laughed.

"Grace, get him some bandage. Danielle, take your hands off." Nik said looking at Grace then at me. I squinted my eyes at him in anger then took my hands off and moved away from Tank. Tank looked at me with guilt then looked away. This was embarrassing.

While Grace was getting medical stuff for Tank, Nik and Chase left the room while in their conversation. Then it was just me and Tank alone. "I am sorry-" He started but then was cut off by Grace coming into the room with a bandage and some medicine. "Ok here, " Grace said, handing me the stuff. I looked at her confused, I thought she had to do it. She looked at me then laughed, "it's okay you can do it. Don't listen to Nik, I trust you." She smiled then left the room to go upstairs. 

I looked at Tank and laughed, "welp, that was stupid. Can't touch each other, okay boss." I rolled my eyes then we both laughed together. Then it was silent again, I sighed and grabbed the bandage, wrapping it tightly around his wound. He kept looking at me and looking away as if he was thinking of what to say. "Danielle I am sorry for kissing you that night. I shouldn't have." He said with a soft voice. I looked at him and grinned, "it's okay Tank it isn't your fault." I tried to assure Tank as he seemed like he was full of guilt.

Once I finished bandaging the wound a question popped up in my head. "What is your name?" I said to him, he stared at me back. "It's Midas, " he said to me. "Well, nice to meet you Midas, " I giggled to him. He smiled back at me. We sat there for a few seconds in silence. "It was a mistake kissing you Midas, okay? It never happened." I said to him nodding my head. He glanced away with a hurt look but quickly hid it once he looked back at me. "Yeah, I know. It never happened," he said nodding his head, he then turned his head to look at the clock on the oven. It was currently 11:52 p.m, "it's almost midnight I think I'm gonna go to bed.." he said looking back to me. "Yeah me too, goodnight."
"Goodnight." He replied, then we both left awkwardly, going our separate ways.

I walked upstairs to my room slowly, trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake up anyone.

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