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Judy didn't show up to school for a solid week and I was having a hard time. One of her relatives had died, and she had flown with her family to the funeral. I still visited the coffee shop everyday and ordered the same thing.  The day she was to return I went to the cafe by myself and it had poured rain for most of the day. I was walking on the sidewalk and a car purposely hit a puddle right outside the shop, splattering street water all over me and soaking me to the bone. It was some older students from school. I put my hand in my arm and raised it to them. "Up yours Jackass!!" I called as loud as I could. I stood outside for a minute before going into the shop. It was warm in here and my damp clothes were sticking to me. I shivered slightly and Harry greeted me when he heard the bell ring on the door, but he soon ran to get a towel once he realized I was dripping wet. He came out of the side room and fussed over me, putting the towel around my shoulders. "You're freezing. What happened? Are you okay?" I smiled slightly. "Fantastic.. Just soaked to the bone.." I realized that I sounded rude and quickly added. " was just some idiots from school. Ran through a puddle and doused me..." Harry shook his head. "Come on... the owner lives right up the stairs and she's really nice. Maybe she can find you some dry clothes..." I nodded. "That would be awesome..." I clutched the towel tighter around me and Harry lightly grabbed my arm. Calling to the girl behind the counter. "Bianca I'll be right back." She looked up from what she was doing. "Okay Harry." the silver haired boy led me to the stairs and walked with me right up to the door. He knocked politely and a pretty looking heavyset woman answered. "Hey sweetie. What's up?" she asked. She had a british accent. She looked over at me and gasped. "Good heavens what happened to you???" She sounded very concerned. I smiled meekly. "Uhm...some jerk students from school splattered me with water.." I explained. Harry had a hand resting on my shoulder. "She's cold. You wouldn't happen to have any clothes she can borrow would you?" He asked. She smiled. "I think I might actually. I've found some older stuff from the other shop that should fit you. Harry sweetheart, why don't you get this poor girl a drink on the house." Harry nodded. "Sure!" I looked from the lady to Harry. "Are you sure that would be okay?!" I felt a bit like I would be taking advantage. The lady laughed. "Darling it's fine, I promise." Harry looked at me, giving me a pretty smile. "The usual? Or do you want something hot?" I giggled. "The usual... does that mean i'm a regular now?" I asked. He grinned. "Of course. You come here everyday and have been for at least a month. Plus you get the same thing.." I giggled again. Feeling much more at ease speaking to him than I ever thought I would. "Well if that's the case then it's time to switch things up. I'd like something hot today." He pretended to think. "Cappuccino?" He asked. I nodded along. "That sounds great actually.." He went to walk away before turning back. "Flavor preference?" I grinned, suddenly feeling bold. "Surprise me." He laughed making an "oo" noise. "I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of pressure." I giggled. "I'm sure you can handle it, coffee master." I replied. He grinned, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as he made his way back down the stairs. The kind lady waited patiently for us to finish speaking, not once interrupting. When Harry went back downstairs she pulled me inside her apartment. I went along with her and she led me to a bathroom. "A shower will warm you right up and give me a chance to find something in your size." I was a bit nervous but she seemed nice enough. "Don't be shy sweetie. If I offer it, I mean it." I nodded. "Thank you.." I trailed off. "Rebecca." She offered. I nodded. "Thank you Rebecca." She smiled as she turned around, closing the bathroom door behind her as I started to strip. "What's your name?" She asked. "It's Jadyn." I replied. "Alright Jadyn, you take as long as you want and I'll find you some clothes and leave em' outside the door okay?" I nodded before remembering she couldn't see me. "Okay." I shivered slightly, but turned the water to a comfortable hot and let the water soothe and warm me up. I showered rather quickly, using a wash rag to clean myself up from street water. When I got out, I squeezed out my sopping wet hair before wrapping a towel around me and peeking out the bathroom door. There were clothes on the floor as promised. I had everything I would need including undergarments. They still had tags. She had guessed my size. Her guesses were spot on and I got dressed in a comfortable form fitting black T-shirt, with a red plaid over-shirt. I put on some boot-cut jeans that fit me better than a glove and some plain white socks. She had also given me new shoes. Some really cute, punky black boots that zipped up. I pulled my hair into a braid off to the side before exiting the bathroom. She was waiting in the living room, reading a book. "Oh, Darling you look fantastic!" I was carrying my sopping wet clothes. "Give those to me and I'll get them washed and dried for you. You can pick them up before you leave the shop..." I nodded. "Thank you Rebecca. Really. Thank you. I feel so much better now... and I'm warmer." She smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. Do they fit okay?" I nodded earnestly. "No complaints here. Everything fits perfectly!" She gave me a small laugh. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. You can keep them. I have no need for them." My eyes widened. I was glad but surprised. "Are you sure? I mean. I'm grateful, but they're so...nice!!" She laughed harder now. "Well they sure aren't going to fit me, and my daughter, Bianca, she works downstairs with Harry, I let her have her pick when we closed up the clothing shop and she didn't pick any of these things. So I'm sure she's fine with it as well." I smiled. "Thank you Rebecca." She smiled. "You're welcome dear." She handed me my backpack that she had taken and dropped to the floor. "Now off with you..shoo." She had a smile on her face and I knew she was teasing. I left the room and made my way back down the stairs. "Holy hipster!!" Judy cried from her place at the table. The boys turned to me and I blushed once all eyes were on me. Deciding to move forward and give Judy a hug to avoid total embarrassment. Bianca spoke to me. "They look really good on you! Momma always did have a good eye." I smiled. "Thanks Bianca." Harry rounded the corner and saw me, giving me a huge grin. "She's right. I like it." My face turned tomato red at his praise and then he realized what he said. "I uh..forgot your drink.. I'll just be.." He disappeared again. "Did that just.." I asked, turning to Judy. She nodded, a big grin on her face. She fanned my face dramatically. "Careful, sweetie. You're turning purple.." I jabbed her in the ribs as I tried to hide my embarrassment. She made an oof sound and giggled as I took my place across from her. Harry came back moments later, looking much more composed. He handed me the warm cup housing my cappuccino and I took it gratefully. "Thank you, you're an angel." He blushed slightly and I took a small sip of it. "Hmmm. Is that vanilla and caramel?" I asked. He winked. "Maybe I worked some magic.." I laughed and he handed Judy her coffee. She looked surprised and I went to pull out my wallet but he snatched it from my hands, closing it and setting it on the table. "Keep it. Call it...incentive to keep coming back.." I smiled, taking another sip of my cappuccino. "Is that what they call it these days?" I asked with a wink. He flushed and I laughed. He gave me a cute and incredibly handsome smile before turning and getting back to work. Bianca whispered something to him and he blushed, jabbing her in the ribs playfully as he told her to hush before glancing at me again. "Seems like you've had an eventful day.." Judy said. "Oh, honey. You have NO idea." She laughed. "Well, the boys already told me why you were hanging with the owner. What else?" I proceeded to tell her about my day and all the days prior while she was away. She sat and listened occasionally adding commentary here or there. "What about you?" I asked. She shrugged. "It was nice to see some of my cousins... Being the oldest in the family sucks.." I shook my head. "Difference between you and me, I'm the youngest." We continued to talk when an older man walked into the store. He sauntered right up to the counter and Bianca for some reason looked very scared. Harry stepped in without question. Positioning himself between this man and Bianca. Keeping his smile polite, but there was no banter. His questions were straight to the point. The vibes the man gave off were almost sinister. The entire shop was tense and he tried to get Bianca's attention. She wouldn't even make eye contact. He was some kind of pervert weirdo. I realized. He ordered a black coffee and Harry made it. Giving the man some change when he gave him a 20. I reached across the table and grasped Judy's hand. I wasn't feeling at all comfortable with this. She held it in comfort. Ethan stood, coming to our table and leaning himself against it. He said nothing, but the vibes he gave off were protective. They had dealt with this guy before. Judy flushed and Harry gave the man his change. He called out to Bianca. "I'll see you next time pretty girl.." He walked from the store a bit drunkenly and I noticed the poor girl was still tense. Harry braced his hands on her shoulders. "Breath, B. He's gone. Okay? He's gone." She nodded, sniffling slightly and it made me wonder what the jerk of a guy had done to her to make her afraid of him. Harry guided her to a stool behind the counter and squeezed her shoulder gently. Ethan spoke to Judy and I quietly. "He's...grabbed her before. Left her feeling vulnerable and scared. It was Rebecca who took care of him. He comes back here on occasion and tries to find her alone. Gets a bit peeved when she doesn't give him the time of day. But she's scared of him." He explained. I shook my head and it was Judy who spoke. "Will okay?" Ethan nodded. "Yeah, she'll be fine. She just gets shaken up whenever he comes here." I heard the girl laugh and saw her looking at Eugene. She seemed to be giggling at something he said to her. Of course it would be Eugene that made her day brighter. As Judy and I got ready to leave I remembered about my clothes and went to pick them up from Rebecca. I knocked politely and she opened the door beaming at me. "Hey sweetie!! Give me just a moment and I'll go get them." I nodded. She left and came back a few moments later, my clothes folded neatly. "Here you are!" I smiled. "Thanks Rebecca." She smiled again. "You're welcome Jadyn." She lowered her voice as she said her next words and it made me flush. "I hope you and Harry get together soon. I know his mom would love you.." I quickly told her bye and all but ran back down the steps. I linked arms with Judy, who was waiting for me and Ethan spoke. "Are you two a thing?" Judy blushed so I answered. "She's my sister!!" Ethan seemed a bit surprised by this but accepted the answer and Harry said goodbye to us with a request to be careful. 

Dangerous Fellows-I found love in a coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now