Chapter 18

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Pit's Perspective-

"Woah, watch for the window!" I yelp as the floor starts to crack up the wall. "Dark, let's get out of here!" I yell in my dorm. The fallen angel grumbles, "You don't have to tell me twice." We burst out of the door and head for the Fields of War, since there is crazy shouting in that direction. The roof cries out, and the ground gives in, revealing murderous sinkholes. I lunge toward the gate to see the portal, an odd purple cloud of dust falling from the entrance to the prison. "We fight until the end!" Fox snarls, as a few others get into their battle stances. The Fields of War seems much bigger than usual, but I guess it is the adrenaline pumping into my veins. A strange looking creature comes out of the portal, electricity sparking, and another creature that I instantly recognize, "A primid?!" The portal spills a massive army of forgotten monsters that aren't dead, but were trapped. "Get to the portal before Master Hand and Crazy Hand break free!" Bowser commands.

Yeah, no duh, I watch as the army comes charging toward us. I understand who these guys are, as I remember it from Lady Palutena's talk with me, remaining Subspace army, it must be! The only force that has primids is the Subspace army! We all charge aggressively, taking on the evil that threatens us. I use my Power of Flight and present my sharp blades to attack. These monsters are not what I expect, since they won't go down without a proper fight. I use my bow to shoot a few enemies down, but am aware that my wings could get in the way of other enemies. "You want a piece of me?" I shout to an angry auroros, who notices me, its bill ready to slice through my chest. "Yeah, I'm sure you've heard about me. Do you want my autograph?" The creature caws and attempts to stab me, "Alright, so we have our differences." I shoot it, causing it to disappear, and then I see the purple mist pouring toward the fighters near the portal. Alright, another problem on the list, I note as I continue to fight. I hear a cry from Diddy Kong. I look down to see the monkey getting overtaken by monsters. I fly to his aid.

I use my Upperdash arm and slice right through the monsters. Electricity burns in my skin as I slash behind me to see another monster. A group of jyks surround me, and I manage to fly out of there and shoot them from afar. The portal roars in great terror, as I see shadow bugs crawling on the ground. "Watch out!" Ike yells when he notices the old enemy. Everyone is now jumping and fighting at the same time, while a few primids immerge from the purple stuff. I continue shooting, flying toward the portal to block any possible monsters trying to drag the two bosses out of the portal. That's when I notice that Link is on the floating island. He must've used his Revali's Gale or something. A few others, such as Meta Knight and Charizard are with him. I see a group of mites, and use my bow to cut them off. The portal blinks rapidly, and I see a flash of white come out of it. We are too late! I see the three on the floating island starting to get overcome, so I charge and come to their aid. I use my Guardian Orbiters to knock some enemies back before attacking, but I notice another flash of white as the sky crackles with lightning. Crazy Hand seemingly lunges at me, and I barely dodge, falling off of the island.

I use my wings to fly, but feel them slightly warming up. Oh gods. I forgot about that. I turn around to see the Hylian knight getting thrown off, as his paraglider snaps and he is sent into a freefall off of the island. My eyes widen with great fear as I come diving down to his aid. Crazy Hand is behind me, and I see Master Hand noticing us. Ah, fighting is so great. The two bosses are angrily trying to grab the both of us, as I reach out for Link's hand, my wings flapping harder. "Grab on!!!" I yell. All of a sudden, Master Hand comes from underneath and snaps, Link disappearing in a warp of light. My heart skips more than a single beat, but I find myself following him, light quickly consuming me. I am thrown on the ground on a long platform in the night sky. I see the blonde knight coughing in front of me, on the ground. I look around to see that we are far from the resort. "Link, are you okay?" I slide to his aid. He nods, and gets up, glaring at the two bosses surrounding us. Alright, so they go for few at a time. Crazy Hand charges at us, as I throw my partner away and myself away in time, panting. I shoot multiple arrows at a time. "We have to focus on one at a time. Crazy Hand is our best bet first," I call. The knight nods and throws a bomb at the boss.

I avoid using my wings, since they are almost worn out. I use my Upperdash arm and continue to avoid his swift attacks. Link barely dodges them, but shields himself if he gets hit. He thrusts the Master Sword at the hand, which grows even more irritated. I jump over the Master Hand's charge, but am slapped to the side by Crazy Hand. I yelp and grab onto the edge of the platform before falling. I pull myself up as Link struggles to fight the both of them. I run to his aid and use my Guardian Orbiters to defend him. Our main target falls on the platform, and attempts to punch us, but Link throws his bomb and boomerang at the same time, and the hand crumbles in defeat. I forgot about the Master Hand for a second, and give a sly smile to the knight. His eyes widen when he sees the irritated boss crash down from up above and hit me. I scream slightly, and use the blades of my bow to get him off of me. Link manages to pull the Master Hand's attention away from me and swordfights it. I struggle to get up, blood dripping down my arm from an earlier wound, and I burst into a series of coughs. The angry hand slams the knight down onto the ground, and I hear a sickening crack from the fighter. He shouts a curse in pain, and is thrown right next to me. I manage to soften his fall, and see the hand approaching us. I widen my eyes, unsure of what to do next. This looks like the end! I cover my eyes, but a flash of radiant light comes from the surface. The Master Hand seemingly screams in agony and disappears into dust. I look down to figure out who shot the light, but I can't see from so far up. I gaze at the knight, who is cradling his arm, in an awkward angle. It's clearly broken, but before I can say anything, the platform crumbles beneath us, and we start falling. Link's cerulean eyes are wide as we both fall. I attempt to use my wings to slow our fall, but it only slows me down, and not him. My wings stop glimmering, and I begin to fall again. I reach out a hand for him, begging him to grab on.

"Grab on, Link!" I yell. His good arm stretches out, but we are too far apart. I curse and use my Power of Flight. My wings are hot with flames, as I have overused the ability, but I don't care. I've done this before once, I can do it again to save the one I care most about. The surface begins to get bigger, and I struggle to keep up with the falling knight. I flap my wings aggressively, feeling pain burning up my spine and into my lungs. This is worse than heart-burn! "C-Come on Link," I manage to spit out. I can see the surface just below us, and finally am able to grab his hand. I use the last of the strength in my wings to bring myself to him. I stop the Power of Flight and embrace him tightly to save him from the impact of the fall. We come down like a blazing comet, my wings burning in sharp pain, but it just escalates as I feel the ground slam into my spine. My vision darkens quicker than a lamp, but I can feel Link out of my grasp, as he has bounced off somewhere close to me. I can barely breath, struggling to hold on to dear life as my lungs are on fire.

(BotW! Link x Pit) Fighting Under the Moonlit Sky (A SSBU Story)Where stories live. Discover now