Wake up

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* Derek

I sit there listening to the pulse of his heart and its gotten stronger in the last few hours that I've listened. I watch his facial expressions change from a puckered frown, so I kiss his cheek and it relaxes again.

His hair is all messy, so I smooth it down and just watch how his eyes move back in forth under his eyelids as he dreams, he has dark eyelashes that are straight not curved making a mental note in my head.

So cute I think to myself smiling.

I guess I should let his brother in, he'll be confused probably. Stiles was laying in between my legs, head on my chest, and my arms wrapped around him.

"Isaac" I yell quietly so stiles wouldn't wake up.

He darted in the door immediately taking in our position with a question look, and went over to take the chair by the bed.

"Please wake up stiles" he said with a sniff. Scott walked in and sat on his lap holding my best friend as he cried. That's new.

* Stiles

I feel something warm against me, but I've got a killer headache. That's when remember i was attacked, I shot up wincing as a white hot flash passed my vision. I felt Dereks arms pull me back into his chest.

"Water" I rasped. Lydia who was standing in the door way ran down and was back as quick as a human could go.

"Here, I added a straw" she said running to me, and I felt Derek tense a little under me. I didn't have time to think about it much because I was chugging down the water I was just given.

"Thanks Lydia" I say weakly trying to give a little smile.

"What happened," I turned to Derek for an answer.

He was already looking at me, I just lay my head back on his chest. I guess I'm still mad at him but for now I deserve comfort, I did almost die.

"When I woke up, I smelt something rotten and acidic, and I know the smell as a Crocotta. Crocotta's are shape shifters who can lure you with the voices of loved one, once your close enough they use their signature "come to me" that's how they usually are given away." He said like he was checking off a list of facts.

" well what was he doing to me?" I ask still confused.

" he was draining your souls, once he had done that he would have eaten you." Derek said calmly as if not to disturb me.

But I was low key disturbed. My fucking soul was getting sucked out, what the hell.

" uh, ok well glad it wasn't sucked out" I laughed shakily.

"Who did you here calling you" Isaac asked.

"Um, I uh heard you," I said back making him think I was talking about him but looking down at Dereks chest. So they couldn't tell I was lying.

Loophole I thought smiling.

I drifted off to sleep on Derek chest.


I must have fallen asleep, because I jolted up feeling the absence of stiles body pressed against mine. I quickly heard the running water.

He's just in the shower, calm down I say annoy at myself for getting so panicked.

I get up walking in the bathroom stripping down to nothing and stepping in to see a confused Stiles.

" what are you doing" he said frowning.

"Turn around" I say hearing his heart beat pick up.

I grab the soap and rub it on his back feeling him relax.

"Stiles, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't go out with a girl to be honest I went to get drunk." I say quietly.

"Why" he turned around to meet my eyes.

" because I was scared, I've never felt like this with anyone. And the fact that it's happened so quickly just shocked me. Stiles I'm really into you, and I'm sorry I didn't show you that" I say looking down feeling ashamed that I wasn't what he deserved.

His hand reach up to my cheek, " Derek, you are enough why don't you get that?" He says making me shiver, it's like he read my thoughts.

He stands on his tip toes to peck my lips. When he starts to lower back down I wrap my arms around him pulling him up, his legs wrapping around my waist as I passionately kiss him our tongues dancing in unison. We kiss like that until we get out of the shower, laying back down in bed.

This is perfect, he's perfect

- two hours later

I reluctantly let stiles go with Isaac, Scott, and Lydia get something to eat.

I was wrapped in my thoughts completely at this point. Lately there had been an increase of supernatural creatures. Weird.

It seemed around the time when I meet stiles, the energy shifted and I could feel it.

I think that's what is drawing the creatures, but why? I gave myself a headache trying endlessly to connect puzzle pieces that didn't fit.

I walked down to Boyd an Erica, making out on the couch with Jackson looking in disgust.

I laugh a little, Getting all there attention.

" so I'm guess you all heard what happen to stiles" I ask all of them.

They shake their heads yes looking like they were just caught snooping.

" so what do we do now, there's been so many creatures around lately," Erica started.

" I don't know yet we need to figure out why there here" I say looking at them.

"Clearly" Jackson scoffed, causing me to growl. He immediately dropped his eyes.

I'm the alpha.

That's when I heard the others pulling in the driveway. Thank god their back.

They walk in the door, stiles drink a chocolate milkshake smiling at me. I was smiling back about to say something when I smelt it. An intoxicating scent of yarrow and lemon balm.

A witch was here.

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