Child hood

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Stiles pulls me out the door and walks to a path in the woods. Our fingers are laced together and we just walk in a comfortable silence, except for his steady heart beat.

I'm glad to be back in the woods, I know, it's ironic but the wolf inside just calms out here. My senses sharpen.

Stiles stops and turns around, "better?"

"What do you mean,"

"Well I could tell you were tense, a little stressed so I thought it would help." Stiles said looping his arms around my neck.

Mine rest on his hips, and I press my forehead to his and close my eyes, breathing in the scent of stiles and the woods.

"Much better, thanks."

We stand like that for awhile until stiles moves his head to my neck.

"Can you tell me a story about your child hood?" He mumbles against my neck.

I tense not expecting it. And hear stiles heart beat change for a second. He's worried.

I wrap my arms around him tighter, I guess I'd have to tell him about it eventually.

" my mom was the best, she could always make me smile. One time we were going to go camping with the rest of my family, but there was a bunch of wild fires and the camp was closed." I pause slightly remembering my mother.

"I was so upset, I literally refused to come out of my room" , I felt stiles smile against my skin and he pulled back looking into my eyes.

"She came upstairs and brought me her homemade oatmeal cookies, and told me that she had a surprise. When I went down stairs she told me we were going to make a tent and we grabbed blankets from all over the house and chairs and made a big fort, then we put a mattress underneath and played games all night, we did a puppet show with a flashlight. We made hot dogs and s'mores," I smile at the memory.

"She sounds amazing,"

"She was."

" did you look like her?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah, we had the same black hair, nose, and eye shape, and eye color. But what we resembled the most was our personality."

" then she definitely is the best," stiles says beaming up at me.

"Thank you Derek, I know it's a hard subject but thank you."

I lean down kissing him slowly, and cupping my beautiful boys face in my hands.

"Stiles pulls back slightly, " Derek, could I hop on your back and you carry me back, my feet are kinda tired."

I roll my eyes sighing dramatically, " hop on drama queen,"

He drops his jaw pretending to take offense, " well excuse you sour wolf, I guess I'll just be to tired to do anything else tonight." Stiles fakes innocence and shrugs his shoulders.

I raise my eyebrow, " I guess this means I should most definitely carry you now?"

"Yep," stiles jumps on my back, and wraps his legs around my waist.

"Onward, mate!," stiles yells.

I burst out laugh, "your so odd... but I love it."

He scoffs " how could you not everyone loves me, except Erica. But she's a bitch no offense to your pack pup or anything."

" if she's my pack pup she's yours, mate." I say mate mocking his earlier joke.

" your not Australian, stop saying mate, call me boyfriend or baby, sometimes thickums for a confidence boost." He says matter or factly like there's no option.

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