The Sun Shines for You and The Moon Does, Too

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Pillar!Giyuu x Pillar!Reader

Synopsis: The Pillars don't take too kindly to a moon hairclip their Sun Pillar is wearing. Unbeknownst to them, the person who gave it was close by... and was rather hurt by their words, if he was honest.

Also, I love me my sun and moon symbolism.


Being referred to as "The Sun" in your line of work was a rather heavy responsibility. But that was who you were. At least, that's how everyone thought of you, despite using Light Breathing and being formally known as the Light Pillar.

The other Pillars definitely saw you as such. Actually, even the newer and lower-leveled slayers thought you were the very symbol of hope for the future and what a model Demon Slayer was.

Despite the grim circumstances you all found yourselves in, you never let the light in your eyes die out. The accompanying smile on your face was just as bright, if not brighter. You lifted their moods when they came back from missions that were worse more than others.

But just like the sun, you were a scorching fire to be reckoned with on the battlefield, burning everything in your path if need be. Your title as a Pillar was well-earned, both for the number of your kills and the lives you've saved. But because of the destructive behavior of your Light Breathing technique and how it almost killed you the last time you seriously used it, Ubuyashiki-sama has since mostly sent you as a back-up for the direst of situations. As such, your use as a Demon Slayer for last resorts only accentuated your nickname.

(L/N) (F/N), the Sun.

So when you attended a meeting with the other Pillars, they were a little put-off by the brilliantly shimmering moon hair clip on your hair. It was a stupid thing to make a big deal out of, but if there were two things the Pillars had learned from spending time with you, it was 1) talking to you was a free for all to talk about anything and to speak your mind and 2) the stupidest things make for the greatest of conversations. Especially in a world so grim, the smallest of joys make life a little more bearable.

In hindsight, you wonder if people picking on you could be considered a small joy.

Shinobu noticed first as she came over to hug you.

"Oh? That's a nice hair clip, (F/N)-chan," she said in her signature soft voice. To be honest, she was scary the first time you met her. Now, she's still scary, but you were as close as sisters. "Where did you buy it? It's very pretty, but-"

"Eh? A moon?" Mitsuri pops up from your other side, examining the hair clip with glittering eyes. If there was anyone to rival your bright personality, it would be the Love Pillar herself. So it made sense that you both got along the moment you met.

"Are you changing Pillar Titles, (F/N)-san?" you and the other Pillar girls turn to Muichiro, who was lying on the garden flooring. Despite it being lined with rocks, he doesn't seem to mind the hard surface as he watches the passing clouds with a vacant expression. "I didn't know you could do that..."

"Does that mean I can have the Sun Pillar title, now?" Mitsuri lets out a small scream and grabs onto you as Kyojuro suddenly appears from behind her. He doesn't seem to notice the shaking girl in your arms as he ponders something to himself. "But I might not be able to live up to the name as good as you, (L/N)-san."

You turn to Kyojuro at record speed, ready to reassure him that he's just as worthy, if not more, to have the title. But before you could do anything past opening your mouth, Shinobu disappears from your side to be replaced by a wild Sanemi, brandishing his Nichirin Sword. You don't have to turn around to look for your sister-figure, her seething aura probably palpable from a mile away.

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