Blue Was the Color of Our Blessing (RQ)

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Pairing: Dad!Giyuu Tomioka x Mom!Reader

Synopsis: Giyuu is living his best life as a married man and as a father and everyone finds out a year too late

Request by anon: hi may i req for giyu where he already has a wife and kid but only the ubuyashiki fam knows {im sure hes old enough to have a child whos at least a year old}? {oh and there are many scenarios of giyu in a secret relationship but i dont think this specific scenario has been written yet}. the pillars want to talk to giyu abt smth but he is not at his estate. so the next day they agree to follow him to wherever he goes and the see him going to his s/o's house and saw his child etc. oh okk for the giyu req maybe shinobu flashbacks to "this is why nobody likes you" and just questions everything she told him. and maybe a snippet of the kamaboko squad meeting his child if its not too much? thankss ajsjjsjs


Giyuu was blessed, he knew that much. He honestly didn't think he would've lasted this long. He's watched people come and go, some far younger than him, some who's memory outweighed the actual time he spent with them.

He just didn't realize how blessed he was until you came into his life during one of his missions. And then it all just went downhill from there. By the time his daughter Mizuko came around, he was convinced he had died the very moment he met you and was lucky enough to have been welcomed into heaven. Never could he have imagined he'd last long enough to have a family of his own. But there he was now: lying down on his futon with you sleeping peacefully at his side, his daughter lying on your chest.

The first thing Mizuko sees as her eyes groggily open for the first time is her father and by the way she looked at him, it was like he was the best thing she'd ever seen. Giyuu saw blue - the same shade as his own, just more wondrous and innocent - and he felt like he had already won against the demons.

"(F/N)? (F/N), wake up," Giyuu whispered into the night, holding his daughter's stare, worried that he'd look away for a second and he'd find out he was just dreaming.

You stir in your sleep and the movement makes Mizuko shift her gaze from Giyuu to you. Out of motherly instinct, you turn to your daughter first, but you're not completely out of whatever dream world you just came from as you frown at her.

"Giyuu...?" you grumble, tilting your head in confusion. "Why do you look smaller...?"

Almost like she understood you, Mizuko stops sucking on her thumb, pulling the digit out of her mouth with a *pop*, before she gurgles out what sounded like a laugh. Your eyes snap wide open as you stare at your daughter properly.

"You're not Giyuu," you say plainly, to which Mizuko responds by going back to sucking on her thumb.

You turn to your husband properly when he lets out a small laugh. For the rest of the night, Giyuu watches fondly as you gush at your baby for looking like her father until you all fall back asleep, happy and content in one another's presence.


"They don't know, do they, Giyuu?" Giyuu blinked at the question, caught off guard.

He had asked Oyakata-sama to let him take a few days off to care for you after you gave birth. And of course, the soft-spoken man agreed, even giving Giyuu more than enough time to spend with his new family. Giyuu just wasn't expecting Oyakata-sama to request if he could meet you and your child once you were strong enough to visit the estate. Giyuu was one of his children, after all, and as an extension, you were part of the family now.

So there you were. Oyakata-sama had just returned Mizuko back to your arms, and was turned to Giyuu now, unseeing eyes still seeming to stare into his soul. Giyuu glanced at you and Mizuko as the Ubayishiki children huddled around the two of you, taking turns trying to make the baby giggle. You catch Giyuu's eyes on you and lean over to Amane, whispering a few words to her before she gladly takes the baby into her arms and the children immediately flock to her. You sit beside Giyuu and take his hand in yours.

Ocean Eyes (Giyuu Tomioka x Reader One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now