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your pov

father said while setting the boxes down," well here's our new home cupcake" he said while patting my head "yeah..." i replied "what's wrong y/n? tried?" my father said with a bit of a worried face "....no father..." i replied , my father crouched down to my height and said"i'll tell you what, when we get the boxes into the rooms, we'll get some strawberry shortcake!  i saw a bakery when we were arriving at our house ,sounds good?" he asked me, i suddenly cheered up "alright father!" i let my kiddie side take over , just because i'm mature for a 6 year old doesn't mean i still don't have a childish side.

me and my father finally finish setting the boxes filled with our things into rooms " well cupcake lets go get the cake to cheer you up" he said while getting the keys and head towards the door , " ok father!" i grabbed his hand and we head out the door.

we get to the sweets shop father helps me get out of his car, we start heading towards the bakery and walk inside , when i walked in the sweet,sugary,and delicious aromas filled my nostrils which made my mouth water a-bit " hello welcome to sugary bakery ( yes i made the name up) what would you like?" a nice lady with brunette hair and a apron asked " one slice strawberry shortcake and a coffee please." my father told the nice lady " alright sir" the lady replied , the lady took the strawberry shortcake out of the glass display and made my father's coffee " here you go , your total will be 4.23 $ sir" my father paid for the cake and coffee and left the bakery.

we get home and i walk to the big kitchen to put the cake down onto the already set table " mhm~ cake.." i said while grabbing my fork , start eating the cake happily since i haven't had sweets in a few weeks , my father walked over to me grabbing a napkin and wiping some of the white frosting of my face,"slow down y/n you don't choke or get a stomach ache" he said while sheepishly smiling,i replied with " i'm sorry for my terrible manners father, i promise next time when i consume food that i use manners" father replied with "y/n, your fine i just don't want you to choke nor get sick after eating sweets" i said "alright father ".

6 hours later

i was getting into my bed [which was set up with help of your father] when my father came up stairs into my room and sat on my bed " tomorrow i want you to meet a friend of mine. he wants to give you something, so sleep well y/n" i replied with " alright father, goodnight"  father head to his room and closed my bedroom door 

y/n your better watch out......................


Evol is coming for you.........

( i hope you guys enjoyed that chapter i know it's short please be patient with me)

bye~ bye~ my wittle darling foxes-moonlightfox_uwu 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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the child pro-duelist?!  yugioh (DM-Vrains) x F!child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now