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"Why did you want to talk to me, I thought bribing and threatening me was enough?"

"I'm sorry Agnes, I didn't mean to do all that at the time, I know it was wrong but I was a desperate man." She chuckles looking at me with pity. "I could see it in your eyes Jer you didn't want to do that, at least you're coming back to your old self in a way you could be redeemable." I couldn't look at her in the eyes, I didn't want to see the pity.

"I just want Kellan back and I don't want to threaten, backstab, or anything I just want my love back." I said with a determination that had been stirring inside for a while.

"Not as you are Jeremy, you aren't worthy of Kellan like this, I know this may be hard to hear but Kellan deserves better, he's been through a lot it's why he told you to leave him because you're a lying and backstabbing unstable dick."

"I know that." I mumbled lowly. "But as I said you're redeemable. Clean up your act, clean up your house, go for therapy,  get that temper under control, be a better man because only a better man can win Kellan, and right now Charles is the only one who can qualify at the moment."

I scoff. "So doing all that how will that help with getting him back."

"Its the baby steps of it all, what you lack Jeremy is patience and the stability of giving someone else control of everything in your life, you don't trust anybody, even if you claim to love them." I understood what she meant now, I had been a total fuck up for a long time.

I realized in order to get him back I needed to change, no longer force my way into Kellan's life but wait patiently to be accepted whilst never giving up and not forgetting, begging for forgiveness.

"I understand now:"

"Good because you're the only one who can help Kellan before it's too late." I raised my gaze to meet hers as she finished her whisky. "Carl may love Kellan but a recent review of the finances of the crown and the Ferguson House shows that they're almost bankrupt. Dimitri molding Kellan into the perfect prodigy wasn't a coincidence it's been a plan in motion for a very long while, you see Kellan had potential and he groomed that potential, when the time came and Kellan was at the top Carl had married my sister but somehow that one holiday Mel got sick, she was poisoned,

Carl had to handle work in Greece abruptly, I dug around and found out Carl wanted to neet Kellan and make sure they had done something which would make Kellan his if Mel was to die and the plan never went according to plan since Mel got the antidote from our mother.

So they schemed again this time father and son worked together, getting Kellan pregnant, Mel suddenly getting run over by a car out of nowhere, more so Carl making sure Mel found you in that office boning."

To say I was shocked is a worldly understatement, why would he do this, did he really love me or Kellan or was this a sick twisted game. I turned to Agnes to ask all this.

"I know what you thinking, the house of Ferguson is going bankrupt, because if they have no backing as royalty the noble lords no longer see the crown as necessary since they can govern themselves as a council of nobles and in this modern world who really values royalty over money, so investors are pulling out, everything is going downhill, so–."

"To solidify their power again they need a powerful lord who comes equipped with billions plus an heir to the crown, and also two other powerful lords in tow, making him rich and back in control." I finished her statement.

"Exactly." So it actually made sense why he was so keen on marrying all of us, now how do I believe I love him, did he ever love me or was this all political with him.

"So I need you to clean up and when Kellan comes I want you to be readily on your knees begging, don't ask me when he will come, but when he does you'll know."

"Why are you trusting me with all this, I could easily be working with Carl." She sighs and smiles. "I've known you for a while now Jeremy and I trust you, and also I can't do anything I'm the daughter of a lard nothing else, whereas you and Kellan are actual lords, so find a way to make it work, plus I have other things to deal with." I simply nod knowing there wasn't much I could say.

I had to do everything for Kellan.

So here I am now, pacing in front of my car at an airstrip where I know Kellan's plane just landed. I've done what Agnes asked of me, I cleaned up my act, I feel better and I'm ready to fix everything I messed up with him.

I was nervous as shit, I know I shouldn't be but it's really killing me to see Kellan after a whole nine months, After my conversation with Agnes five months ago she told me I would know when he was coming back and today I received a notification from her about his arrival.

I stood in front of the plane as his face came in view. He had his sunglasses on. Damn, he looked hot, he is so beautiful like the day I met him, my son behind looks grown up and already 6'0 he's going to be a handful.

"Raves." I heard him whisper. "Kellan listen I didn't come to fight, hear me out please." He stood frozen looking at me. "Troye get the bags, I gotta deal with this." He points at me with venom laced in his words. It hurt but I deserved it.  We walk a distance from everyone.

"Forgive me Kellan, I know I wronged you, I know I took out my anger on you, I shouldn't have done what I did and I almost made you lose the kids. It's guilt that even therapy couldn't help, I'm sorry Kellan, just I'm sorry." He looked dumbfounded by my outburst and the tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Kellan please, I need you."

"Raves get up from the ground you're causing a scene." I refused to get up, this was it, if I wanted him back then he had to see it, I was ashamed of what I did and if it meant being on my knees with snot and tears on my face then so be it."

"Raves I can't do this right now, I have bigger problems to worry about which I'm hoping you are not part of." I still did not stand up I needed to hear him say it. "Say you'll forgive me say that you'll take me back please." I knew I cried harder and these weren't fake tears, I was happy to see him again.

He sighs. "Fine how can I say no to you on your knees literally begging, I forgive you but this whole take you back is a topic for another day." I nod and stand up to my full 6'4 height making him seem short. Before he could react I embraced him.

"Wheezing not breathing." I let go of him clearing my face of my ugly crying. "I'm sorry Troye about what I did to your dad."

"Well I have pictures of your ugly crying and the whole forgiveness statement, I'm sure we can work something out, Papa says hi." I couldn't understand what he meant by Papa said hi.

"How are my kids and is Bella behaving." Kellan moves away from me. "He says they're fine and that he might consider forgiving Raves too if you do." I smiled as he said that.

"Well for assault I do for everything else work in progress." I scoff. "I wanna make it better, make us better and actually court you." He raises his finger toward me and I spot the engagement ring. "Charles." He nods. "And papa Reggy." Troye adds.

"Who?" I was jealous and hurt, they had moved on without me, but I wasn't going to let them go without me.

I was going to fight for Kellan the right way.



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