Chapter 1

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Kali the tomboyish adventure girl was up in her room packing her suitcase for a trip she was taking with her family today. 

Ginger happened to be there with her and came up to her side. 

"So where is it we're going again?" The feisty hen asked her favorite human curiously. 

Kali stopped packing for a second and looked at Ginger. "We're going to be visiting some of our family out in the country on their farm" she explained to the green-eyed hen. 

"A sibling or cousin?" Ginger questioned. 

"Cousin" the tomboy replied. Then closed her suitcase. 

"Oh" the hen now nodded. 

The girl and chicken then came downstairs to meet the rest of the family gathered in the living room, all carrying suitcases and everything. 

"Okay, everybody ready?" Jane asked her family if they were ready to go. 

"Wait! Remind me again," Brock cut in. "Which relatives are we visiting again?"

Everyone groaned from that. 

"What?! It's not my fault I'm forgetful!" Brock defended, before mumbling. "Blame it on the author..."

"Uncle Arable, my brother, from my side of the family. Remember?" Walter told his son. 

"Oh, yeah" Brock said, now knowing. 

"It's pretty difficult knowing Dad's the 3rd oldest out of 10 brothers and sisters" Ann mentioned. 

"Right" Brock said to his twin sister. 

Rocky then came in with his and Ginger's chicks, along with Mac and the rest of the chickens. 

"Hey guys, are we going?" The American rooster asked his friends. 

"It would sure beat standing around here in this stuffy place" Bunty huffed with her wings crossed. 

"Aye, hen. We could all use a wee break to get back to our original roots of farm life" Mac agreed. 

"A farm!" Etta asked in surprised. "That's where we're going?"

"Aw, I thought we were going to go and watch a cock fight" Ricky pouted in disappointment. 

"No son," Rocky told him. "That kind of stuffs illegal in this country"

"Awww" Ricky pouted again. 

"Alright, lets go!" Jane told the family as they prepared to leave. 

Just as they were starting to head out the door, Kali's pet dalmatian Lucky entered the room and started whimpering. He had grown quite a bit, almost a teenager now. 

"Don't worry, boy. We'll be back in a couple of days" Kali patted her dog on the head then headed out. 

The drive lasted for a few good hours that the kids and some of the chickens had fallen asleep. After traveling for miles, the family finally rolled into the town of Somerset County, Maine. 

There was nothing special about Somerset County. It was a deeply ordinary place. No astonishing thing ever happened there. The people who lived there were just regular people. And the animals... Well, they were just plain old animals. They didn't question the order of things. So, the days passed, one very much like the other. 

But one spring, on a small farm, a little girl did something... Something that would change everything.  

"Kids, wake up. We're here!" Jane soon told them with glee. 

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