Chapter 1

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The wind blew fiercely through the trees. The waves splashed water through the village forcing everyone to take shelter, including the animals. Birds hid in the trees, foxes and rabbits burrowed deep underground.

"The fields! Our food!" The village chieftain cried as she witnessed the crop fields being torn apart by the winds.

"Chief Tala! We need to get to shelter!" One of the guards called to her. "The storm has fully settled, it's too dangerous out here!" He tried to dodge the flying tiles and branches from huts that were ripped off. The chieftain followed the guard and took shelter in her hut. The whole town listened in fear from the safety of their huts to the fierce winds of the storm.


Three months has passed since the reunion of all six tribes of trolls, when Barb's plan for world domination actually brought the trolls together in harmony, thanks to Poppy and Branch. Although all the trolls were very different, they were able to respect and live with their differences. After all, it was their differences that made them who they were.

Poppy woke up with a skip in her step and a song in her heart as always. She jumped out of bed, took a shower, brushed her teeth, placed her crown on her head, ready for whatever the day would throw at her. She looked out of her pod and saw trolls of all tribes singing and dancing together, from the smallest classical troll to the tallest funk troll. Poppy was so happy that everyone was getting along, finally all the trolls could live together in perfect harmony. She always hoped that she was doing the best she could as a queen, and now she could believe that she truly was. The journey of saving the trolls changed her for the better, it taught her how to listen to her people instead of hearing only what she wanted to hear. Her relationship with Branch also grew because of it, now that she listened to him more and he was willing to support her no matter what, and she loved him for that.

Deep underground, Branch had just woken up. He climbed out of bed and put on a robe. The adventure also changed him for the better too. Especially his relationship with Poppy, it brought them closer together, despite their fighting, and even helped Branch work up the courage to tell Poppy he loved her and to his joy, she felt the same way. Now they had been dating for three months and things couldn't be going better, he just wanted to settle down and take a break from dangerous adventures for a while. He finally got changed into his vest and shorts and climbed out of the trap door to his bunker, looking around for Poppy.

Poppy was dancing in the tree tops with some fellow pop trolls, singing their hearts out when she spotted Branch on the ground; she could tell that he was looking for her. This gave her an idea. She wrapped her long pink hair around a tree branch and swung down to the ground, she quietly hung behind Branch before grabbing him by his torso and pulling him up and off of his feet, sticking her face in his hair.

"Morning Branchie!" Poppy greeted, still holding Branch off of the ground.

"Hey Poppy!" Branch replied, still a little startled. "Uh...could you put me down?" Poppy obeyed and let go of Branch, letting him jump back down onto the ground.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Poppy asked Branch.

"Well, we are taking the troll kids to the library today to teach them about troll powers and abilities!" Branch explained. Poppy gave a big thumbs up and smiled. "But we have some time before then," Branch said. "Maybe you want to...g-get some coffee or something?" He asked awkwardly. "I kinda forgot to have some this morning and you know I can't function well without it."

"Sounds great!" Poppy exclaimed as she kissed Branch's cheek as the two of them wandered off to the cafe.


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