Chapter 12

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At the Paradise Isles, Poppy, Branch, Delta Dawn, Hickory and several other country trolls had been helping repair and restore the damaged crop fields. All the troll leaders were also visiting the Paradise Isles to meet and learn about the Lost Trolls and to connect with them. Poppy and Branch were sitting by the fountain, talking with Aria.

"I'm just saying! Why live in a tree? The birds are sure to attack you!" Branch argued, making Poppy and Aria laugh.

"You're really not a fan of birds, are you?" Aria teased. Branch shook his head, crossing his arms. The three trolls watched everyone in the village connect. The troll leaders were talking with Tala and other Lost Trolls. The young Lost Trolls were the most excited, they danced around the trolls leaders, played with them and even made them flower leis. Poppy spotted Hickory in particular who had several flower leis around his neck and the young trolls were braiding and putting flowers in his hair.

"Enjoying yourself there, Hickory?" Poppy asked.

"Hey I've been ploughing those fields all day!" Hickory called back to her. "I think I deserved to be pampered!" The young trolls giggled as they put flower petals in his hair. As the three trolls were relaxing by the fountain, Orchid came back and landed on Aria's forearm.

"Okay so we've established you don't like birds," Aria said. "But what about Skyers?" Branch looked at Orchid suspiciously. Aria took his hand and held it in front of Orchid, trying to get her to climb up on his hand. Orchid made a small screech sound which startled Branch as he retreated his hand.

"I think that interaction summed it up perfectly!" Poppy giggled as Branch rolled his eyes. They suddenly heard a loud voice.

"That should do it!" One country troll called out. The three trolls got up and ran towards the voice. They arrived at the crop fields and gasped. The fields were restored and Lost Trolls were already starting to plant crops.

"I can't believe it." Tala smiled as she gazed at the crops. Poppy, Branch and Aria walked up to her. "Queen Poppy, is there anything we can do to repay you?" Poppy took Tala's hands for a moment then dropped them. Tala looked down in her hands to find a small pink invitation. It burst open with all seven troll leaders and read 'Reunion party' in big sparkly letters.

"Come to the Troll Kingdom," Poppy said. "And we'll make this reunion official." Tala nodded as she smiled from ear to ear.

"Trolls! Mount your guardians!" Tala ordered. The trolls around them obeyed as they climbed up on their guardians and started to fly in the air. "To the Troll Kingdom!" Some Lost Trolls also offered the country trolls to ride with them. Before they new it, the whole sky was filled with guardians, all different colors, animals and sizes. Aria climbed up on Echo and offered her hand to Poppy and Branch.

"You guys coming?" Aria asked. The two trolls looked at each other, then back at Aria. They immediately ran over and climbed up onto Echo's back. Echo shot off with the three trolls on her back, catching up with the other guardians. Once they were ahead, Echo and the trolls flew higher into the sky and through the clouds, reaching out to touch them as they flew through. They soon broke through the clouds and reached the clear sky above them. It felt so quiet and relaxing...until Ash burst through the clouds on his falcon guardian catching up to them and flying alongside them.

"This is the life, isn't it?" Ash said. Kneeling on his falcon's back with his arms outstretched, feeling the wind on his face. Aria suddenly got an idea, she jumped passed Poppy and Branch to get to Echo's tail flukes.

"Ready Echo?" Aria called to her, Echo squealed in return. Aria tapped Echo's tail stock and she thrashed her tail upward, launching Aria into the sky. Poppy and Branch both looked up as she did. Aria eventually landed back on Echo's back, nearly landing on Poppy and Branch by accident.

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