How to Stop Self-harming

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Today, I'm here to talk about an extremely sensitive topic. If you do not wish to read about this, I completely understand. This chapter is hopefully going to provide some support for those self-harming.

Just a note, I have never self-harmed so I don't have a particular experience of my own to share but one of my close friends last year was self-harming, so I do have some ways I shared with them which really helped them overcome self-harming. They are doing much better now. 

Obviously, different people self-harm in lots of different ways, and it isn't just cutting. Basically casuing pain for yourself purposely is classed as self-harm. I won't get into those, because I want this chapter to stay positive and give tips on how to stop and feel better about life.

It is important to understand why you self-harm. As I said before, many people do it for many different reasons such as:

✰ to cope with feelings of sadness, emptiness or guilt

✰  to express feelings that are difficult to express in words 

✰ to relieve guilt, or to punish yourself 

✰  or to simply feel something, other than emptiness

You must know that help is available for you. You are not alone. Myself and the others running this account are standing with you and we will help you. You can learn other ways to cope with everything that's going on inside without having to hurt yourself. 

Now, I'm going to get on the main part of this chapter: how to stop. It will be difficult, but you can do it. It may sound cliche, but you really can do anything you put your mind to. There are countless examples of people who have stopped self-harming. For one, you have the friend I mentioned. They have been celebrities as well who have overcome cutting themselves. 

Step One:

If you're ready to get help for cutting or self-harm, the first step is to confide in another person. It can be scary to talk about the very thing you have worked so hard to hide, but it can also be a huge relief to finally let go of your secret and share what you're going through. It won't be easy, but it is something that must be done. You shouldn't suffer alone. 

When choosing someone, make sure you trust them, and they won't gossip or take immediate control. Some people may choose to tell their parents, but if you don't have a particularly good relationship with them, or don't want them to know, choose someone who isn't as close to you as a relative or friend. Sometimes a teacher or a religious leader are good to confide in. 

When talking about it to them:

Focus on how you feel. Don't tell them what exactly you do to harm yourself. Tell them what leads to it. In other words, what triggers you to do it. 

Communicate in a way where you are comfortable. If you don't want to talk about things you are not ready to yet, don't. You can talk about it when you are ready. If you do not want to talk face-to-face, then maybe send an email or message or a letter, although you will eventually need to to talk face-to-face. If you don't want to answer something, just tell the person. They will understand.

Give the person time to think about what you've told them. It may be super difficult for you to open up, but it may also be extremely difficult for the person to process, especially if you are close to them. Sometimes, you may not like the way the person reacts. Always remember that they are only reacting in that way because they are worried about you. If you don't think the person fully understands, you could show them this, or show a similiar article. The more they understand, the better they will support and help you.

Opening up can be really difficult and the sitiuation may feel terrible after you share information about self-harming. Try not to worry that much because when you confront a thing you've been doing for a while, it feels awkward and uncomfortable. However, after you get past that stage, you'll feel much better.

Step Two:

Understanding what triggers you to cut or self-harm is a vital step towards recovery. If you can figure out why you self-harm, it will really help you find a way to stop and try other methods that won't impact you in the way self-harming does. 

At first, you might feel scared, because letting yourself understand your emotions can be quite painful, and you might fear that you will start cutting again, but there are other ways to try to get your negative emotions out in another way.

Step Three:

Try to find another method to release your emotions.

If you self-harm to express pain and intense emotions, you could:

✰ Paint, draw, or scribble on a big piece of paper with red ink or paint

✰ Start a journal and write down your emotions and how you feel. 

✰ Compose a poem or song to say what you feel

✰ Write down any negative feelings and then rip the paper up

✰ Listen to music

If you self-harm to calm and soothe yourself, you could:

✰ Take a bath or hot shower

✰ Cuddle with a pet, or wrap yourself in a blanket

✰ Meditate

✰ Listen to calm music

If you self-harm because you feel empty, you could:

✰ Call a friend (you don't have to talk about self-harm)

✰ Take a cold shower

✰ Hold an ice cube on your arm or leg

✰ Chew something with a very strong taste, like chili peppers, peppermint, or a grapefruit peel

✰Go online to a self-help website, chat room, or message board

If you self-harm to release tension or vent anger, you could:

✰ Exercise vigorously such as running dancing, jumping, or punching a punch bag.

✰ Punch a pillow or mattress

✰ Use a stress ball

✰ Rip up paper like a magazine or newspaper

Step Four:

When you first start talking to your chosen person, their first instinct response will be to go to therapist or counseller. This might feel scary, but it is a crucial step. You don't have to go right away, but I do strongly advise you to eventually go to a therapist or counseller because they will be able to help you a lot more than this chapter because they are specially trained.


I hope this chapter helps you, and if you would ever like to talk with someone, send a pm to our inbox and we will get back to you.

Stay strong!

Stay strong!

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