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For the most part, I stayed outside during the healing of my shoulder. I alternated between doing paperwork, cloud gazing, and small bouts of exercise to help build my strength. Each evening, if I behaved well, Drakos brought me a rooka which he allowed me to reach for. However, if I winced even slightly, he would insist on feeding it to me. I knew it was a punishment for jumping in front of the blade meant for Kage, but it was embarrassing, and my cheeks were always burning by the time the delicious fruit was gone.

I was staring at the clouds when I noticed they were becoming darker and sighed, it has been a while since it rained, and I knew it was coming, but I did not desire to go back inside. I loved the freedom of being outdoors and the warmth of the sun. However, Drakos bustled me inside even though I would not mind the rain. I was grumbling when he helped me sit on my bed, and he smiled devilishly before disappearing.

I was debating on sneaking out, not that I would get very far before my father would step out of his office and order me to bed, when Drakos returned. He smirked with mischievous delight, and I growled at him but quickly perked up once I recognized what is in his hands.

"If you will be pleasant until the rain stops and the ground dries I will even let you eat it all by yourself," Drakos teased. I nodded carefully to keep from pulling at my shoulder, and he laughed while moving to sit beside me on the bed. A few pillows were propped behind me, and then he finally placed the small bowl of ice cream in my hands.

He laughed when I sighed in bliss after I got the first small spoonful into my mouth. Part of me wished only to shovel the cold treat down my throat as quickly as possible, but the part that won out desired to savor it. Drakos brought me a couple scoops of French vanilla, which is one of my favorites, and I debated whether I should thank Callister or scold him for giving away my secrets.

Thinking of the gluttonous demon had me thinking of Kali, and I paused, a spoonful of ice cream halfway to my mouth. "Hush," Drakos murmured, "do not think of that right now. She deserves what she suffers, now enjoy your ice cream. I will get Callister to come to visit if you wish."

I am not sure how Drakos once again knew precisely what is going through my mind but decided now is not the time to try to figure it out. It probably has something to do with this binding he keeps mentioning, and I do not doubt I am going to be quite irritated once I make him explain it to me. "I would like that," I admitted quietly before slowly finishing my ice cream.

Callister was in my room as soon as Drakos left to take my empty bowl away. He sat on the side of my bed, one of his legs tucked underneath his body while his other swung freely. Callister gave me a boyish grin in greeting, his amethyst eyes bright with amusement, and I shook my head when I saw that he has his short blond hair spiked up again. Callister is one of the demons who could easily pass for a Terran model, which makes it disturbingly easy for him to satisfy his hunger. However, he chose to stick to restaurants once we met to give us something to talk about. At least, to both of our peoples that is what we discuss.

"Have you been on Terra?" I accused softly, and he chuckled with a big grin. He has on a lightweight grey long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to show his tanned, muscular forearms, a pair of dark blue denim pants, and his favorite boots. He only ever dresses like that when he is planning to visit Terra, this way he blends in seamlessly, in theory. Callister draws attention, but they believe him to be one of them and either flock to him or swoon. He speaks in a low drawl as well, but that only garners him more attention, which he unabashedly eats up. I have long since come to the conclusion that Terrans are unable to perceive the slit-like pupils the demons have or if they see them their minds dismiss it as a minor, unimportant detail.

"Who do you think picked out your ice cream?" He asked with a wink, and I sighed. Of course, if he knew Drakos was planning on getting some, he would insist on getting what he perceives to be the best. Not only is Callister a glutton, but he can also be an absolute snob too.

Sweet Nightmares (For the Love of Demons 2) (Published)Where stories live. Discover now