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I was already a bit tipsy, walking home with a boy i kissed him goodbye and walked around the corner to see police cars, i nearly dropped down then and there as well as throw up (gross i know).
I run in my heels even though they rubbed and went in the house.
"Mum? Dad?" I called out.
Dad rushes to me.
"Is she with you?" He asks anxiously.
"Is who?" I looked at him. "Khloe no she was in the living room where i left her".
"Where you left her? You mean you left her alone while you.. wait where did you go?" He demands.
"Dinner with friends" i thought quickly.
"So while you were off out your sister is no where to be seen why weren't you in with her?" He sighed and was worried.
"Dad she is 18! You can't expect me to give up my life to look after a adult, besides she said she was staying here watching netflix" i argued. I was annoyed how dare he expect ME, me of all people to baby sit her. "She probably went to bed.
"We wouldn't call the police if she was" he hissed. "We tried everyone she's gone".
"You can't be serious?" I laughed. "She will be back, it will be some joke to her soon".
Some joke to her soon.

1 year and more later...

October 2014
I walk into school, in my usual old clothes, mostly jeans and a t-shirt, especially designer. It's the one thing that doesn't change or feel different. I still have my friends, my whole life as a popular girl but i know once i go home. I remember.
"Hey so i was thinking there's this concert for the vamps, VIP of course, you coming?" Jennie looks at me.
"VIP? Ok i guess it would be nice to get away.." i nodded. "Only i need to ask my dad".
"Ask.. oh yeah sure, so cautious" she smiles.
I know i was never always like this but  i can't scare them anymore than Khloe did.  Anyway they will say no. I was surprised my friends weren't annoyed with my lack of involvement, they seem to have a lot of patience.
"Yeah.. the usual but i guess i can try" i shrugged.
"You know i think it's time you should try persuade them" sara said. "Come on it will be fun i heard there is also this cute singer on too his name is conor he is technically still a teenager".
"I will see what i can do" i nodded.
"We just want you to get back out there, i mean you were one the party girls in year 11 it will be good to have some fun before we do our alevel exams at the end of the year" jennie chips in.
Yeah if you haven't guessed i was 16 when she went missing (you don't need to know that but context i guess). Things about her started to fade away, she seemed really chill but really i know there was many secrets to her. She used to snap at me when i would even peak in her diary "keep out! Can you not read! It's private! It's got grown up things you won't understand".
"I am not much younger than you" i would reply.
She would laugh at me and then the  calm side would set back in place.
So many times she would ask me if i had secrets, of course i did i mean like the times i lied about going to parties saying they were sleepovers, about drinking, the boys i was with. I thought i was the bad one. This proves she is worse. Coming home that night was the something i didn't want to remember.
The things i said were worse. I haven't drank or partied since crazy huh? And my friends are still making offers to go somewhere.
"At least think about it" becca begs.
"Ok ok i will" i nods.

After a long day of lessons, talks of the parties that had a lot of gossip and still the concert i thought i would ask.
"Dad?" I question.
"Yes love?" He answered as he stopped staring into space and down at his office work.
"Can i go to a concert with my friends?" I asked and he tensed a little.
"I don't see why not, but just keep my updated" he nodded. "Just your mother..."
"I know i will and i won't be out late" i said.
"Yes.. still i am sorry you seem like your restricted.. just we don't.." he trails off.
"It's ok i understand i won't let you down". I smiled. "So what's mum got for today?"
"Well another new recipe i suppose" he laughs. "She doesn't like me helping much"
"Well i will look forward to it" i nodded and headed to my room. The house is always quiet, from now things haven't been really different any day. Usual mum would make us all go into the kitchen on weekends for family cooking and khloe always tried to make it fun and blast her music, she always did. My older sister i always thought her as the sensible one rather than me, some nearly spoilt popular girl. I am still popular and spoilt but i mostly tired to tone it down, one the girls thought i was boring until i went for her, not a wise move but khloe had only been missing a month. She learnt not to talk bad again. Looking at my phone now my backgrounds are off becca and me these days like the photos on my wall as well as old ones from shopping trips in year 9. I took down all mine and khloe's mainly due to i was mad as well as sad. Times have changed and so have i. I was and still am done waiting for her, so best thing to do was let go.

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