We are the champions my friend!
We'll keep on fighting till the end!
We are the champions! We are the champions! No time for losers cause we are the champions!I threw my head back against the head rest of the bus. People were laughing, cheering, talking about the game and how they didn't think we would win.
I was the only one staying silent during this time.
Our teammate was shot in the leg, and you have the audacity to pretend like nothing happened? That's a team, for sure.
I rolled my eyes, throwing on my headphones and playing some music. I just listened to some Why Don't We, The Fray, Justin Bieber, etc. I drowned the atmosphere out with music, and let it be the only thing filling my ears.
We were almost home to San Diego, and I just wanted to get in my bed and not think for once. All I do is think.
I think about the fact that Megan got shot. I think about the fact that Eli and Mason think someone is trying to murder me. I think about how Andrew is worried about me. I think about how nobody wants to let me out of my sight.
I just want everything bad in my life to go away. I don't want to be scared anymore.
I heard a ringing in my ears and I looked down to notice a FaceTime call from Megan. I answered without hesitance.
"Lia!" She yelled, and I looked at the machines in the background. She was still at the hospital, and was actually about to be discharged in a few hours.
"Megan, hi! How are you feeling? How was the surgery?" I beamed. I was looking forward to her call, I had thought her parents weren't wanting her to talk to anyone since she would probably be in pain.
"It was rough, but they got the bullet out. The police are using it for evidence." She told me, and my eyes widened.
"Evidence? Police?"
"Yeah, when my parents found out what happened, they called the police and ordered for an investigation. They're out looking for the person, and they might even call the FBI."
They're never gonna find the person who pulled that trigger. If Andrew's right, they won't find anyone.
"That seems really stressful." I nodded. "I wish I could've been there when you woke up. I wanted to tell you that—"
"Eli carried me in his arms and you held my wound as you ran to the hospital that was almost a mile away? Yeah. I was barely conscious, but I was aware of what was happening." She sighed. "Eli was a hero that day."
Eli's definitely something. He's not just a hero, though, he's so much more.
"Yeah, he really was."
She bit her lip in deep thought. "If you see him when you get back, can you tell him thank you? And...if he's looking for a date at any time, to call me?"
My eyes widened, and I smiled. She's never really said anything about Eli before.
"You have a thing for Eli?"
She shook her head. "No, I have a thing for heroes. Good guys."
He sure isn't a good guy, but he was a hero that day. He deserves to have a chance to know how much he means to Megan now that he did that.
Megan's got it bad for my boyfriends best friend. Wow.
This world keeps getting stranger and stranger.
"Alright, well I'll let you go fantasize about him. We're almost at the school. Recover quickly, and come back asap." I told her and she waved at me through the phone.
Being Bad
Teen Fiction| COMPLETE | [this is the first draft of my story. so, if there's grammatical mistakes and continuity errors, i apologize and i will be editing in the future.] Lia James was living in a nightmare. It all started one night, when her mother was in a c...