Royal Review (Part 3)

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It was finally time for the Royal Review.

Trollex announced, "Alright, everyone! It is now time for Queen DJ's Royal Review!"

Everyone cheered and got their votes ready.

However, DJ came back and stopped them.

"Wait! Before you all vote, as your new queen, I wanted to show you my gratitude for doing your civic duty and participating in this super important vote. And I'm going to show you...with these!"

DJ pulled back a bush to reveal...a huge batch of clownfish!

The clownfish got everyone to laugh by juggling, telling jokes, and doing tricks.

Trollex got nervous, "DJ, what are you doing?"

DJ said, "Relax. Clownfish aren't cuddle fish."

Trollex said, "No...but they're related!"

A huge clownfish (presumably the mother) appeared and was clearly not happy.

The Techno Trolls swam around frantically while the big fish caused mass destruction.

Poppy, DJ, Trollex, and TBDB hid behind a rock.

Trollex asked, "Why, DJ?"

DJ said, "I'm so sorry. I got Poppy to take an early vote and I got a frowny face. I got so nervous about being a letdown that I tried to butter up everyone. This is all my fault."

Trollex asked, "All this over one frowny face?"

DJ said, "Mmm-hmm."

However, TBDB said, "That actually makes sense. DJ, I gave you the frowny face."

All went, "What?!"

TBDB said, "I did the same thing for Trollex on his first Review. It was to teach you not to worry about being perfect or a letdown...or something like that."

Trollex said, "Beat Drop, I could've sworn we talked about this."

TBDB responded, "It worked for you."

Trollex said, "No, it didn't. I tried to butter up everyone when I found out about the frowny face."

DJ asked, "What?"

Trollex said, "Yeah, I also took an early vote before my first Review."


Trollex had arranged for Bliss Marina to take an early vote.

When he found the frowny face, he started hyperventilating.

Bliss held out some paper and said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy. Fold it out. Let the paper absorb the pain."

Trollex replied, "No, Bliss. That won't help. After this Royal Review, I'll officially be a...a letdown."

He then got an idea, "Wait a sec. I still have plenty of time before the Review. What should I do to change their mind?"

Bliss said, "Whatever you come up with, it'd better be able to please everyone in town since we don't know who it is."

Trollex started thinking.


DJ said, "Wow. We have more in common than I thought."

She and Trollex both smiled.

Poppy said, "This is cute, but we have a slightly bigger problem."

DJ said, "Right, right, right. Don't worry. I brought this thing to town and I'm gonna get it to leave. And I think I know how!"

DJ then swam and gathered up all the little clownfish.

She then got the big one's attention, "Hey! Over here!"

When the big one saw her little ones were ok, she growled at them to swim with her, out of town.

Every Troll cheered.

Finally, they could all participate in the Royal Review.

At then end of the day, the votes were shown.

About halfway through the votes, DJ said to Poppy and Trollex, "This has been a crazy day. I think I'm gonna go unwind."

Trollex said, "I'm with you. Let's go."

Poppy asked, "Really? But, DJ, you're on your way to a perfect score."

DJ said, "Maybe, but I've learned that no matter what the votes say, I've always got room for improvement."

TBDB said, "Hey, that's exactly what Trollex learned!"

DJ said, "I imagine so."

She then kissed him on the cheek and both swam off into the sunset.

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