Chapter 2

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  Brendon walks into the emergency doctor's break room, sitting his salad down on the table. Spencer looks up from his crossword puzzle and grins.

  "Hey B, been busy? I've not seen you all day!" Spencer is both Brendon and Ryan's friend. Ryan has known Spencer since they were little kids, growing up next door to each other. They all wound up at UNLV together, and Brendon met Spencer when they were both pre-med students in the same year. Their friendship led to Brendon meeting Ryan, and both boys were hooked instantly. Spencer was surprised but happy, because he'd never seen Ryan so smitten with someone before.

  The group has been tight ever since. Ryan followed Brendon to Chicago when he did his internship and residency there, and they all wound up together again by pure chance when both Spencer and Brendon were hired at Cedars-Sinai in the emergency medicine department.

  Brendon sighs as he sits. "Yeah, it's been a crazy morning. Had a patient who got their foot stuck under a lawn mower. Not too pretty, ya know."

  "Yikes," Spencer says, pulling a face. "How did-"

  "Hey guys!" calls a short figure from the doorway. "Wentz is calling an emergency meeting - full staff. Sounds pretty serious."

  Brendon turns, frowning. "Hey, Patrick. When and where does he want us?"

  "Auditorium - 10 minutes."

"Shit, ok," Spencer said, brows furrowed in confusion. "Must be serious ."

  Brendon nods. "Well, let me get in what I can of this salad. Guess I'll finish it later."

  Spencer nods, rising to throw his trash away.


Dr. Pete Wentz is head of emergency medicine for Cedars-Sinai. He's a good boss, if perhaps not entirely professional at all times. He likes to goof and joke around with the doctors and nurses under his charge. He's a brilliant doctor, but typically laid-back and fun when he can be. But he also knows how to get down to business when he needs to. It's clear to Brendon and Spencer, as they find seats in the auditorium, that this is one of those times. It's rare and unsettling to see the very sober look on Pete's face. Brandon is instantly concerned.

"Ok, everyone, quiet down," Pete admonished. "I have something urgent to talk to you about, so I'm going to get right to it. I assume by now you all are aware of a strange virus that's been spreading around China."

Brendon and Spencer exchange knowing glances. They had been hearing reports of a new form of Coronavirus spreading around one of the Chinese territories. It had sounded similar to a bad flu.

Pete continues, grimly. "I have to inform you that this virus, they're calling it COVID-19, has reached the United States. In fact, there have been a few cases near Seattle, and today, we've learned there are at least 2 confirmed cases in Los Angeles.

Brendon swallows hard. This is not good news - it a sounds like this thing is spreading like wildfire.

Pete presses on. "I've been reviewing the news out of the CDC and the World Health Organization. The infectious disease experts are in agreement - we are now in a pandemic. I'm not going to sugarcoat this. This disease is highly transmissible, and even though the mortality rates are low, it can be deadly even in previously healthy people. In fact, they're seeing deaths in young, healthy people far more than ever expected. The big problem is, there's just no way of knowing who will get really sick with this, and who will have what's similar to a rough case of the flu. "

"Jesus," Spencer whispers to Brendon. "It sounds like the fucking Spanish Flu from 1918!" Brendon nods back to him worriedly.

Pete takes a deep breath. "Now I want to make sure none of you go into panic mode, but we're now under pandemic procedures. You all need to have enhanced PPE on at all times - N95 masks, the clear glasses as an eye shield, face shields and gloves. We're going to designate a team to intercept and steer any possible cases to a separate Covid unit. Those staff will need to wear the personal respirators. We can't take chances with this folks - this gets contracted through the eyes, nose and mouth. We will also have a hotline set up to advise people on if they require testing. People who have the virus or have been exposed need to be quarantined for 14 days."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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