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Ellie's POV

As if I would ever be friends with Tom Holland.

I couldn't believe he was convinced that easily that I had been nice to him because I wanted him to be my friend. He obviously was charmed by me and my plan worked better than I had expected!

"Hey, Ell, did you take care of him?" asked Laura. We were in a bundle of blankets and cushions on my sofa, watching Netflix on my tv in our pj's.

"Yeah," I grinned at her slyly, "He fell for it head over heels and he's going to do every slide of the presentation! The only thing I have to do is pretend to be his friend until the project is over!"

"Good job!" she chuckled cheekily to me, "I didn't expect him to be so dumb, but you never know..." She paused for a moment before adding, "Hey, you and Dan are okay now right?"

"Yeah, yeah..." For some reason, the words didn't sound convincing enough, but I let the matter drop.

"Hey, I'm tired, can we go to sleep?"

"What?" she protested, "Ellie Andrews is tired at a slumber party? And it's only 10:30!"

"But I'm tired Lau" I continued, getting up from the sofa and walking over to my bed, pulling open the covers.

"Alright, fine." Laura grumbled as she got into the pull out bed. I took a deep breathe and turned off the lights, finding a comfortable position to sleep in.

As I closed my eyes, I tried to get rid of the strange feeling that had started to blossom in my stomach.


Tom had tried to actually sit with me at lunch the next day, but I rejected him harshly. He looked confused, but I had to set my expectations clear for him.

And I was quite mean to him for the next days, because of the strange feeling I got at my slumber party and how it hadn't disappeared.

"Hey babe, you excited for tonight?" Dan whispered cheekily in my ear.

"Yeah," I replied, giggling, "Oh, but first, I have to quickly rehearse with Tom for the presentation." I sat silently, waiting for a grumble or nothing at all, but surprisingly, after a few seconds, he replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, uh sure, that's fine."

"It's only going to be about 10-15 minutes and then I can go get ready?" I reassured him. I took a sip out of the carton on my food tray and kissed his cheek.

"I'll pick you up at 8, okay baby?" Dan looked at me, waiting for me to agree.

"Yeah yeah," I nodded and got up to empty the excess food into the bin, "Look, I have to go to Math, so I'll see you later." I waved him goodbye and headed out of the cafeteria, sliding my phone out of my pocket.

Checking my messages from my friends, I went to my locker, opened it and applied a bit more lipgloss while looking in the small compact mirror which was attached to the door.

"Ellie?" I was startled by Tom tapping on my shoulder and blushing, scratching the back of his neck shyly.

"Sorry," he mumbled, "But, should we go to the back garden to rehearse? We can go out of the back door through there later-"

"Yeah, alright, not don't you have a lesson to go to?" I cut him off, exasperated.

"I'm in your Math class Ellie" he laughed.

"Okay then, go!" I waved my hand in the direction of the classroom as I took out my mascara. He sighed and made his way to the room.

Then I felt the feeling in my stomach again, and I actually felt sorry.

Why was I so mean to him?

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