ch:19-Bikini body

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Samantha's P.O.V

Tiger steps out of the dressing room for the 20th time and this swimsuit was it. The perfect one, I stared at her making her way to me.
My mouth ran dry as I looked at her perfect body.

"Woow nice ass babe, damn" a guy  walks by and grabs tigers ass, I watch in amusement as she kicked the guy right in the face.

Leaning back I wave her over to me, she walks up and stands between my legs. "You like this one babe?" I ask admiring it.

It's a black bikini but the edges are pink and green. " I do like it, don't You?" She asks looking at me.

"I love it. are you ready to go now ?"
She nods and run off to go change. I look to my right to see Samuel and Bree coming this way hand in hand. Guess they hit it off.

"Ready to go." Tiger takes my arm holding it close to her chest smiling at me. I take her swimsuit and a few others I think would look great on her.

"Good morning miss, how can I help you?" The cashier asks cheerfully.
I hand her the swimsuits and pay, turning around I call out for tiger.

She walks quickly over to me and we head to the car Samuel and Bree close behind. I open the door for tiger but she shakes her head no.
"Back seat?" I ask she till says no.
I open the drivers door and sit she straddles my lap and places her head in the crook of my neck placing small kisses there.

Starting the car I pull out of the parking lot and onto to the road. "We got a mission next week."

She nods her head and bites the same spot she has been kissing. I knew what she was doing but one small hickey is nothing compared to what I'm gonna give her.

I park my car and sit for a while holding my baby. I love her so much it hurts when she's not in my arms, I can't even picture my life without her.

" I'm glad I met you sammy" she whispers voicing my thoughts. "I'm glad I met you too baby girl. Let's go get some food." She nods and sits up, I open the door and get out with her still on me. I grab the bags from the back seat the same time my phone rings, I pull it out to see Samuel calling so I pick up.

"What?"  I ask holding the phone in one hand and a sleeping girlfriend in the other. "Get away from the house now, just get in the car and drive to the beach house." She rushes out panic evident in her voice.

"What why, Samuel what's going on?"
I ask as I hear shots go off.
"We're being chased samantha. Just meet me there."She states.
"Ok." I sigh and hang up the phone.
I put the bags back on the back seat and get back in the car with Cece. I start the car as soon as I'm on the road Samuels car zooms pass me. I speed up when I hear the shots go off.

"Hey Katy."  I call out to my car.
"Hello Samantha, how may I help you?"a small screen pops up on the dash board.

"Call samuel." It starts loading.
"Calling Samuel" it says and starts ringing.

"Samuel we have to distract them, we can't let them follow us to the house. Who are they anyways?" I ask when she answers.

"I don't know but I'll take a turn off up ahead and you go the other way. We can lose them at the cross roads." She says and drives faster. I end the call and turn left as she goes right.

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