Chapter 3

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{Thursday April 22, 7:43 AM}

I'm not sure why, but this morning I am very eager to see Window Boy. Something about talking to him and just his presence in general is very comforting. When I finish getting ready, I open the window and look across the way. His curtains are open and I have a pretty clear view of the inside. I hadn't really focused on his room that past times I've talked to him, mostly because he was taking all of my attention. From what I can see, he has a fairly small bed with either blue or purple bedding. There's a white desk pushed up against one of the walls at which Window Boy is sat at. His window isn't open and I sigh in disappointment.

"Window Boy!" I call over in hopes that he'll hear me and look up. He doesn't even flinch and just shifts his laptop over a bit. I retract back into my room and look for something I could throw across the alley to grab his attention. I pick up a little plastic dinosaur and toss it in the air a few times. "This should do nicely."

Back at my window, I look at Window Boy's. He's still seated at his desk, completely oblivious. I stretch one arm out in front of me to aim and then reel the other one back. I sling my arm forward and the dinosaur toy flies across the path. It just barely hits the edge and clunks against it. He jolts in surprise, looking out towards me. He's quick to get up and open the window, a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, Hipster Dude! What have you been up to this morning?" He leans against the wall and has his hands in the pockets of his slacks; which he looks great in, might I add. The sleeves of his light blue button up shirt are rolled up to his elbows, and he looks, just, wow.

"I've mostly been trying to figure out how I could grab your attention without looking like some sort of maniac," I laugh in response. "Turns out sacrificing a dinosaur was the way to go."

"You sacrificed a dinosaur? For me? Damn, if that ain't dedication, I don't know what is!" I can't help but laugh at his response. "So, do you like, collect dinosaurs? Or do you just happen to have a dinosaur toy laying around? Or was that not a toy, but an actual dinosaur? God, if it was real I take back everything I said, you are a monster."

"Jesus, that escalated way faster than I expected. I collect plastic toy animals. Oh my god, that's weird, isn't it? A 23 year old man collecting toys is weird. Telling you it was a mistake. Please don't laugh." He does laugh.

"Why the hell would that be weird? I'm the 25 year old with the lavender sweatsuit and teddy bears littering my living room floor! If anything, I'm the weird one." I immediately feel reassured and my body relaxes once again.

"I don't know, I think that's kinda cute." Window Boy fidgets a bit, flushed. "And I've never told anyone else about the toy collections, so like, feel special?"

"You've told no one? Not even your girlfriend?" I freeze up at the word 'girlfriend.' Truth is, I'm as single as a lone tree in the middle of the desert. And I'm gay as fuck.

"I actually don't have a girlfriend, single ready to mingle. What made you think I had a girlfriend?"

"Seriously? How can such a good looking guy like you not have a significant other? You look like a god or something!" My face reddens and my ears heat up and I curse my stupid blood vessels.

"What about you, have you told your girlfriend about your crazy teddy bear obsession?" He shakes his head and laughs.

"Nah, don't have a girlfriend, either. Plus, girls don't appeal to me. I like my women like I like my men; with a dick," He responds with a shrug. Butterflies make their way into my stomach and I suddenly feel dizzy.

"You, a man with a nice ass and a great personality, don't have a boyfriend? How the hell does that work?"

"Are you saying you like my ass? I mean, I guess it is pretty great, but the straight and wonderful Hipster Dude says I have a nice ass. Must be pretty legendary."

"Who said I was 'straight and wonderful?' I'm far from such. Taste the miserable rainbow, bitch." I wiggle my fingers next to my face and make a goofy face; sticking my tongue out and drawing a corner of my mouth into a half smile. Window Boy bursts out laughing and he doubles over, holding his stomach. I hear a chime from behind me and I groan in irritation, my entire demeanor changing.

"Harry, it is 8 o' clock and work starts in 45 minutes. Your commute there will be about 30 minutes minus a coffee stop. Go." Axell's monotone voice says over my music.

"Jesus, why do you have to be so demanding all the time, mom," I say to it in response.

"Who are you talking to?" Window Boy asks.

"No one, just my Axell. I swear, those things aren't programmed to be sarcastic. When I first got it, it was the most polite thing ever. What the hell happened?"

"I have one of those, and it's scary as hell. But it's very helpful, so I can't complain."

"Anyway, I was just ordered to go to work, so I'll see you later," I say and he nods. With one last wave, I shut my window and lock it. I grab my satchel and glare daggers at the little white box before leaving. "Why are you always interrupting my conversations with Window Boy? I swear, you're out to get him."


[ORIGINAL] Window Boy ✧ L.S. Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now