Chapter 6

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A/N: this chapter is short, and i mean REALLY short, but it's also really important. the next chapter will make up for this one, both in length and story. enjoy.

It's been about a week since realizing exactly how much I liked the now-not-so-mysterious Window Boy, which happens to be a lot. Since talking to Melanie, I've been able to calm down quite a bit by recognizing my feelings but not letting them get in the way. I can now have entire conversations with him without feeling the need to chicken out or cover my face in embarrassment.

Today, I walk into my room after getting home from a boring day at work. I hang my jacket up in my closet and loosen my tie. I quickly undress and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, ready to just relax the rest of the evening. My notebook is sitting in the middle of the bed where I left it this morning, open on the last blank page. I grab one of the coloured gel pens from my bedside table drawer and walk over to the window. My first instinct is to look over to Window Boy's window and, to my surprise, he's sitting in it and reading a book. I try my best to make my presence secretive, but the squealing from my window as I slide it open gives me away. Window Boy immediately looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi, Hipster Dude. How's it going?" He closes his book after placing his bookmark and sets it down on the floor next to him. He turns his body so he's facing me, but still keeping his leg planted safely inside. I sit on my windowsill the same way he is, one foot inside, one foot out, and look at him.

"It's going pretty smoothly, I just got back from a helluva boring day at work, but I'm planning on relaxing the rest of the evening. What about you? How has it been for you?" I reply, my notebook closed in my lap and my pen slid into the spiral binding.

"It's been really good, actually. So, you remember the dude I told you about from work?" I nod, remembering his little rant about the date he went on. "Yeah? Well, he's been transferred to a different division, so I no longer have to cringe when I see his face. Oh god, I've never been happier in my life, I could just... I don't know. Be happy? Yeah, I'll just do that. He's gone now!" He draws the last part out in a sing-songy voice and shimmies a bit. I laugh and dance along with him.

"That's awesome, Window Boy! Did you get any news on that dude he had that date with next?"

"I actually didn't, no. I'm not even sure they went on the date because he was transferred yesterday and completely gone today. It's like he didn't even exist! Apparently I'm the only one at work that he talked to, because when I asked around, they all said that they knew him and saw him around, but he only talked to his team–which I'm a part of–and the boss. It must've been a guy he knew outside of work, I don't know. I'm just glad I don't have to look at him every time I get up for a coffee break."

"Man, I can only imagine the relief you feel right now. I've never had anything like that happen to me at work. All I do is stare at a computer and pray to God I don't die of boredom," I reply in a joking tone, even if my statement is true. Window Boy chuckles quietly and looks down at the path.

"It's that boring, huh? I'd like to say my job is pretty fun. I mean, being an accountant at an IT software company isn't exactly 'the dream job,' but I really enjoy doing math, so I can't really complain." He shrugs his shoulders and looks up at me. "So anyway, where do you work? What do you do? No no no, wait. Let me guess. You're a superhuman secret agent that works for some undercover agency with a cool acronym like 'The Y.M.C.A.' or something. You are currently on a mission to hunt down the evil Duck King and take all his sheep. I got it, didn't I?"

"Right on the mark." We both laugh and our voices echo in the alley. "But seriously, I work as a receptionist for a real estate agency. It's slow some days, but I always find ways to occupy myself."

"And what is that, if you don't mind me asking? The stuff you occupy yourself with, I mean."

"It's fine. I'll usually reorder stuff, draw a bit, clear out my inbox, maybe write a little bit, just stuff."

"That's what you do to stay occupied? Dude, do you even know what fun is?" He says, exasperated. A smirk makes its way to my lips as a sudden confidence possesses me.

"Apparently I don't, maybe you should teach me."

"Woah, hold it there, Hipster Dude. Let me take you out to dinner first, then maybe I could show you a few of my... tricks."

"Window Boy, are you asking me out?" I place a hand on my racing heart hoping my action looks like mock exasperation and not me checking if I'm still alive from his and my comment. My face turns red and my ears are so hot they could burst into flames any second. He starts fidgeting with his fingers and shifts his weight, one leg to the other.

"I mean, if... if you want to. Of course I'd have to know your name first, and I could tell you mine, or we could just keep it up with the nicknames. It doesn't matter to me if you-"

"My name is Harry," I cut him off urgently, almost without thinking. A smile makes its way across Window Boy's face and he bites his lip.

"The name's Louis."


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