Chapter three

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A/N: hellooooo!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night! I down have much of an announcement for today so I guess just enjoy this chapter!!


Louis' POV

How is it that I figure out TODAY about this? I've never actually been with a man. And now here I am falling head over heels for a guy who is as straight as a ruler. The fact that I absolutely hate his guts even. So much has happened today. Why the fuck did it have to happen to me?!

"Louis!! Hello??" Zayn yelled at me. "Give me a ciggy already." He held his hand out.

I reached into my jacket pocket pulling out the packet of cigarettes. I pulled one out of the box and handed it to him.

Zayn pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette before taking a drag and blowing smoke into my face.

"What's going on with you?" Zayn pulled the cigarette from his mouth with his index finger and thumb, holding it to his side. "You've been acting strange ever since lunch. I heard about that by the way. News traveled pretty quick."

"I just.. I have a lot on my mind right now I guess." I lied to him. Well. Kinda. I do have a lot on my mind but it's only about one thing.

"Did something happen after lunch?" He took another drag from the cancer stick.

"I uh. Nope." I lied again. "There's nothing to worry about though. I'll be fine when I get some rest."

"Alright mate. Don't forget about tomorrow. I'm gonna be hanging out with Niall for most of the day. Just be at my house at 6 o'clock sharp." Zayn stated before putting out his cigarette and throwing it in the trash. Hiding it under some toilet paper so no one would see it. Which we could care less if someone does.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be there." I picked up my bag from the floor. "Listen man I'm gonna go ahead and leave since we have like 5 minutes before school's out."

"Alright mate. I'll see ya tomorrow." Zayn and I said our goodbyes and I left. I walked down the hallway to exit the school. No one was around so I had the perfect opportunity.

I slowly went to exit the doors as the school bell rang. "Great timing" I mumbled to myself and headed out to the football field. I always do before heading home. I tend to wait for at least 30 minutes before leaving. I never knew why, it sorta just became a habit.

I made my way underneath the bleachers and sat against a metal support beam. I set my bag down beside me and pulled out my pack of cigarettes and my lighter. I lit the cancer stuck in my hand and took a drag and blew out the smoke. I continued this process for a few more minutes before I heard the sound of people walking around the bleachers.

It was the fucking football players. Their tiny shorts and flowy t-shirts.

Knowing they would see me I just stared at them as they passed me. Slowly taking drags from the ciggy. A few of them gave dirty looks while others didn't look at me at all.

And that's when I saw him. Harry. I went to stand up. Placing the cigarette in my mouth so I could throw my backpack over my shoulder. I almost tripped trying to get up. I pushed my hair out of my face and when I looked up Harry was standing straight in front of me.

"Uhh hi?" I could feel my face heat up. He has no clue what personal space is.

He looked at my mouth and his eyebrows furrowed into a knot. He quickly took the cigarette from my mouth and threw it on the ground before stomping aggressively onto it. A little bit too harsh.

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