Curiosity killed the cat

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Hey there! Sorry for a really really really long absence, even so I promised to uptake a long time ago, he-he... well, I was requested to write about Spider family with a random child, and that's what came into my mind now...
Abuse and kidnapping

Hope you enjoy the story

A separate room under the spider family's house, something like a basement. Recently, this place, where only freezing cold seeped, was added to their cozy home. The main attribute of the gloomy room was the disgustingly creaking threads of the cobweb, which held back [Y/ N],whose arms were spread apart, as if she had been crucified.

[Y/N] was dressed in a white kimono tied with a scarlet obi, her pale skin and hair dyed gray from the experienced horror, only brought her closer to the group of demons who had dragged her here.

The reason for this was the stupidity and indiscretion of [Y/N] herself, for which she reproached herself ad infinitum. She hated and bonded herself for poking her head on the accursed Mount Natagumo, out of childish curiosity, and for being born with such rare kind of blood. At least that's what the pale demons called it. Because of it [Y/N] got here and therefore was treated in a special way. Demons brought her new clothes from time to time, doused her with rainwater, as a wash; three times a day brought some herbs, berries and meat. [Y/N] disdained to try meat- I suspected that it was human's. But her main privilege, perhaps, was admission to a family dinner, where it was her blood that was drunk.

Venous blood was taken, although [Y/N] heard this only from her tormentors, or as the youngest son of the family - Rui asked to call it - masters. By the way, he was the one who decided to keep your life in order to have constant access to blood. Although, he warned that he would forget about it, if you behave badly and disobey - try to escape, shout, or something similar

It was the web of this alienated demon that held you back in one position, dug strongly into the rubbed and bleeding wrists, the blood from which dripped into specially placed cups, and went to dinner at night. [Y/N] was hurt, cold and hungry so much, that it only remained to lower her head and silently shed tears from her eyes, which did not express the slightest desire to remain in this godless world.

The shackles suddenly disappeared, and [Y/N] fell limply on the dusty floor, heard with the edge of her ear someone softly creaking down the impromptu steps. In a moment, the mother spider lovingly hugs [Y/N] to her and taking humans hands in hers, kisses and licks hrt wounded wrists long and slowly. At first, [Y/N] was very embarrassed by such actions, tried to break free and screwed up her eyes when each of the demons, who came at nightfall, performed these actions. The female demon greets [Y/N] and affectionately calls her tasty".This, too, could be heard from all members of the family, in spite of the fact that everyone could leave many deep wounds on [Y/N]'s body for the slightest disobedience.

Further, they raised [Y/N] in their hands, and, having lifted several cups filled with rare kind of blood, were carried to the top. [Y/N] herself could not walk, she lacked physical, mental strength, and desire. Then, all family sit down at the table, greeting each other. The second demoness - Sister, strokes [Y/N] on the cheek, with an insolent smile calls her "a beautiful dolly". She could sometimes ask if [Y/N] would like to taste her own blood, and when the girl didn't give her an answer, she forcibly pours a red liquid into [Y/N]'smouth. Rui is coldly ordering his sister not to play with food and it is not clear whether he has blood in this case, or [Y/N] herself. Of course, disgusting anyway.

And [Y/N] can vomit from the blood, right on the table, or on the floor ... then Rui will become furious, and several more deep scars will appear on [Y/N]'s skinny, pale and incapable body. The next day, shewill not be fed, but maybe there is something demons would bring so that your soul would not finally leave your appetizing little body. And the sister of the family will come to [Y/N], play with her hair, and extract the maximum from her bleeding wounds, while only tearing them apart more with her teeth.

But you never asked about anything, you learned everything only from the conversations heard from above. Because it is curiosity that is to blame for the fact that you will take your last breath in this cold room, under the old house in which the family of spider demons lived

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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