Chapter 7: Jealousy

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Matt's POV

Yesterday was a close call, Tord and I got inside before Eduardo and his gang tried to attack us. I think Eduardo heard me tell Tord that I'm a girl, of course I didn't want anyone to know but now things are gonna be difficult. I fell asleep last night on Tord's bed because I was so tired I didn't realise I slept on top of him.

After I woke up seeing Tord underneath me I felt so embarrassed I was lucky enough to not wake him up, I went over to the kitchen and tried to keep myself calm until I saw brown hair in the living room. I walked over and saw Tom asleep on the couch, he must've been drinking from what Edd and Tord told me but Tom always denied it. I decided to gently lift Tom up, I'm surprised that a little person like me can lift a giant like Tom.

I made sure he didn't wake up and took him into his room, as I put him down I looked around his room since this was my second time being in his room. I slowly crept my way out of the room like I did in Tord's room and closed the door, I walked to my room and changed from my pastel pyjamas to my pastel outfit. It was my favourite since my grandma gave it to me when I was little, she knew I liked pastel stuff and she knew I wanted to be a boy.

Because of my mum's jealousy that I was calling my grandma my favourite person in the world, my mum told me that she should be the favourite person in the world and because of that I never got to see my grandma again.

I left my room and went off for a walk to the park, I sat on a park bench and moved some of my hair out of my eyes. I heard kids playing on the playground and adults chatting together. I also saw dogs run around, luckily I wasn't allergic to dogs otherwise that'd be bad.

I listened to the mist of the wind blowing in my ears, it was relaxing until I heard a voice. "Hey there Matt" I opened my eyes and saw Jon, he was the boy who tried to stand up for us yesterday. "Oh hi there, Jon is it?" "Yep, do you mind if I sit here?" "No go right ahead", Jon sat down next to me and smiled softly.

"So why are you out here Matt?" "I came outside to get some fresh air and clear off my mind, I used to do it back when I lived with my mum.." "Oh.." we were silent for a bit until I spoke to end the quiet moment. "So why are you out here Jon?" "Oh, I come here when I feel down especially because of someone..." "Who?" "Todd...he's been a real jerk ever since he moved in" "oh, what does he do? If you don't want to answer that's fine" "he likes make fun of me for being the shortest and even makes fun of my hairstyle because I look like a girl.. he, Eduardo and Mark make fun of me for being the weakling of the gang... so I come here to forget about my problems".

I had a shocked expression from what he told me, "Wow... that must be really hard for you.." "it is but I'm used to it...". I heard my phone buzz, I grabbed my phone and check the notification.

🥴Drunken Pineapple🥴: Where are you? Edd's freaking out and the commie is trying to walk over to Eduardo's house

💜Pastel Boy💜: Oh I forgot to tell you guys I went to the park, I'm with Jon

🥴Drunken Pineapple🥴: Seriously? You and Jon went to the park?

💜Pastel Boy💜: Well yeah but don't worry, we aren't hurt

"Matt we have to go now..!" I heard Jon say as I jerked up from my phone and saw Eduardo, Mark and Todd walking towards us. I grabbed Jon's hand and ran off with him, I knew Eduardo and his friends would chase us because I was with Jon. We ran towards the shopping mall and I held Jon close because we were both scared.

Pastel 'Boy' (Matt x Tord and Tom x Edd)Where stories live. Discover now