A Tour Of Devildom || Lucifer

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*Picture above is from @szainx on Twitter
*Sorry this came out so late I forgotten to save this story and it ended up deleting the whole story (cries internally) so I had to end up rewriting it so now here it is.*


"Mmm...," I woke up sleepily stretching myself as I looked around my bedroom. It has been 5 days since I came to Devildom for a student exchange program. I would stay here for a year and at the end of my stay write a report about my exchange. Everything was still new to me and I still haven't gotten used to living in a place where most people will call "Hell."

Everyday since I came here I've been wishing this was all a dream and that everything will be back to normal. After all it isn't that easy to believe that demons and angels exist and that 6 of the most powerful ones are living in the same house as you. It was nothing short of a story straight out of a fairy tale. Soon I heard a knock at the door and Satan peeked his head in before opening it fully and standing at the doorway saying, "Breakfast is ready so come downstairs to eat."
"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

As I slowly got out of bed convincing myself these past few days were just a very long and HEAVILY detailed dream, I walked straight into my bed post and hit my toe on the corner of bed. I jolted from the sudden impact and yelped. "Oww that hurts." I bent down and started cradling my hurt toe. "Well at least the pain is telling me today isn't a dream."

I carefully started walking to my closet, limping. Some of my clothes were brought down to Devildom and there were some that Diavolo has bought for my stay here. Looked into my closet, I just shrugged, "I think I'll just wear my pajamas downstairs. It's not like I need to do anything afterwards.

I saw the brothers eating and found that some of the places are empty. "Maybe they're still asleep. It's the weekend after all." I quickly ate my food looking around the interior of the room. It was covered with intricate designs and patterns and stretched out across the whole room. As I was admiring the interior I heard someone calling me.

"Y/N, how was your stay so far? I assume that you are slowly staring to settle in right?"

Lucifer was looking at me with a strong, upheld, prideful aura emanating from him. "Yeah, I'm somewhat settling in. It's still my second day here and I don't know much about this place."
"Well in that case you should get ready because I'm taking you on a tour of Devildom to show you everything you need to know on your stay here."
"Really? Okay then I'll guess I'll get ready soon."
"Good, be ready in 15 minutes and meet me in the foyer if not we won't have enough time to cover much area."

15 minutes?!! I quickly ate my remaining food as quick as I can and started going back to my room to change into some decent clothes. "Ugh I should have changed my clothes earlier. Then I wouldn't have to rush like this." I changed into a navy green shirt and some black jeans. I combed my {h/c} hair and styled it before I headed downstairs to the foyer, hoping that I wouldn't be keeping him waiting.

'Oh thank God he isn't here yet. I didn't want to deal with someone looking at me like I was late or something.' He came a few seconds after me and started to come to me.
"So are you ready to head out?"
"Yeah I'm ready."
"Good, so let's get going shall we?"

He walked in front of me and led the way out to the streets. He turned and went straight down a lane which I found that was littered with all sorts of shops to my left and right. I looked in wonder taking in all the different shops and details. There were restaurants, cafés, bookstores, and further down was a mini supermarket to buy groceries and other things.

I was just standing at the middle of the road when Lucifer turned around to call out to me,
"Come on don't just stand there staring at every store you see. You'll have plenty of time to go into each one later in the future."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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