who is he

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I get up out of the car and see a group of guys all staring at me some of them looked kinda cute then out of nowhere he walks down I don't know his name but he is hot 

Bryce:Everyone this is our daughter Honey!

??:Hi I'm josh I'm 19


??:UM I'm Kio and I'm 19


??:HI I'm jaden and I'm 14

??:HI I'm Anthony and I'm 17

??:Hi I'm griffin im 21

??:HI im blake im 14

??:SUP im Noah and im 14 

ngl but noah looks cute but then HE introduces himself

??:Hey cutie im Quinton and im 14

U:Hi (you blush) im Honey and im 14

Quinton:Your 14 that's nice

Bryce looks at me and gives me "that look"

Bryce:Yes she is your age but I have set rules guys I will approve her relationships don't just be hooking up behind my back ok

Blake/Noah/Jaden/Quinton: OK (Quinton says it with a smirk)

Bryce:Ok lets show you to your room

I was kinda scared at the beginning when Bryce said they lived with a bunch of guys but ngl im kinda liking it Bryce walks down the stairs towards the rooms he points at all of them and tells me whos is whos the only one I cared for was quintons but turns out his room is right next to mine ;) 

this is what my room looks like:

this is what my room looks like:

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Bryce: Do you like it??

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Bryce: Do you like it??


I run over to him and give him and Addison a big hug for some reason it felt nice like I actually enjoyed it

                                           BRYCES POV

When Honey gave me a hug it felt like the whole world stopped she was hugging on tight and I loved it I definitely made a right choice at the center

I kissed her goodnight and went to my room

ME:NIght squirt

Honey:Night Bryce night addi

Im kinda sad she hasn't called me dad yet but im sure she will when she is ready

Addison:Night honey

me and addi walked back to our room

                                                          YOUR POV
I was unpacking my stuff when a familiar voice asked me

??:Hey do you need any help honey??

I turn around to see Quinton shirtless in gray sweatpants

U:Um sure that would be great

I smiled and pointed to a suitcase and he helped me unpack I felt weird with Quinton my head hurt my stomach was feeling tight and I just loved to look at him

                                       QUINTONS POV

I looked at Honey unpacking and felt the need to ask if she wanted help

ME:Hey do you need any help??

Honey:Um sure that would be great

I could see her blushing but to be honest so was i

Honey looked so amazing in her outfit 

this is what you had on:

this is what you had on:

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