Bryces POV

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Addison and I were watching a movie when she fell asleep I looked at my phone and It was 10:30 the boys and honey were supposed to be here by now my phone dinged and it was blake he was saying that there was traffic and that they would be home soon. I turned off the tv and was about to go to sleep when I heard the door open the boys were whispering I didn't hear honey so I assumed she was asleep. I fell asleep cuddling Addison

                                                                 THE NEXT MORNING

I woke up and went to the bathroom I brushed my teeth and put on sweatpants and a party animal t-shirt went to see if any of the boys were awake I go into quintons room to see if he's there his bed if fully made I went to honeys room because I knew that where he would be

I don't know how I felt about his I walked into see them cuddling they're both fully clothed thank god for that I don't know if I'm happy for them or angry they didn't tell me that was one of the rules we had made. I left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen

                                                     YOUR POV

I heard the door shut and got scared i looked out my door to see Bryce walking to the kitchen i decide to go to since I'm awake and Quinton is still asleep. I walk up towards bryce

U: Goodmorning

he hugs me

Bryce:Morning squirt how was the party

U: It was great (i rubbed my head because it hurt from how much i drank)

Bryce: You ok??

U: uhh yea

Bryce:You drank didn't you i told you not to

U: Im sorry it was an impulsive choice

Bryce: Whatever but 2nd of all why didn't you tell me you and Quinton were together??

U: Because we haven't made it official now shh i don't want him to know that you know

Quinton: To late 

Bryce:Morning Quinton how was you cuddle fest he said mockingly and angry

Quinton looks at me and i awkwardly smile i elbow Bryce in the stomach

U:shutup dad

Quinton: Hehe

Bryce: Well now that i know have you guys..

Quinton: have we what??

Bryce:You know..

U: actually i don't know

Bryce starts making hand gestures nd me and Quinton are still very confused

then griffin walks in

Griff: I think he wants to know if you had sex


Quinton: Wait eww

U:Dad why would you ask that

Griffin:he doesn't want you to get pregnant

Bryce: yea what he said

U: chill out dad when we do we will use protection

Quinton:wait were gonna do it(he looked excited up until Bryce gave him a death stare)

U:NO Quinton i was just saying 

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