Ch. 12 Merda is back, can the Dragon beat her? Part 1

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Ryuga's POV


        "How much longer till we get there?" I asked eyeing Jack the Clown.

        "Be patient, I swear we'll be there soon, friend," Jack said, sounding like Doji.

        "You better not lie," I scoffed.


        "Just walk in there, that's where you'll start battling," a member of this Hades Inc. told me when Jack left, I looked in front of me and an entrance to what looked like a training room was there. I walked in and saw no-one it was just a black circle shaped room with a bey stadium in the middle. But then these things came out of the wall, launching beys into the stadium. I grunted at this, in confusion and irritation.

        "Hmph, not this again," I said taking L-Drago out of my gold bey holder and launching him with my hand. The more the other beys hit L-Drago, the faster L-Drago started spinning. I defeated them all with a blink of an eye, "So boring, Um." I heard clapping and looked to see where it was coming from and saw none other than... Clown face!

        "Wonderfull, excellent, as expected of Mr. Ryuga," He said like he was performing in some Sheckspear play, "A training machine bey is simply no match for you, is it?" I growled at that, This guy reminded me of what it was like back when I was naive and listened to Doji. I used my bey to crack the glass of where that guy was standing and brought L-Drago back to me. I was starting to feel like a sitting duck, but it was better to wait until the right moment to escape.

        "I don't plan on going along with these meaningless battles forever, hear me! Hurry up and battle me! Show me where Merda is to, and if you're lying, only 'she' can help you then," I told the guy.

        "I'm really so sorry," Jack said.

        Sure~ saying sorry will 'Definity' keep you safe. Because I 'definitely' didn't almost bring people out of their misery in a certain tournament, yeah I'm 'DEFINITELY' a saint, I thought.

        "Unfortunately it is not possible right at the moment, I believe I told you before haven't I?" Jack said as I remembered what happens when we met, "My bey is not yet complete, so you'll just have to wait, once evil befall has been completed I will paint you, your own personal picture of Hades on the canvas known as the stadium please rest assured."

        "What did you say!" I exclaimed making him jump in surprise, amusing me.

        "Oh, there's no need to make such a threatening face, just to make you happy I have to surprizes for you!" He told me.

        Ever since I got Aiya, I hated surprises.

        "For the first one," Jack said as a huge glass case appeared from beside me, and then I saw a familiar teen girl with black hair and eye the other was exposed showing the blind one, her hoodie was on the floor and she was now wearing a dark blue crop-top, black shorts over them was a type of meshy fishnets, and she had a few scars here and there, not too many, but it seemed like there were more, but those have already healed.

        "Merda," I whispered to myself.

        "There, you wanted the Merda, now you see that I am no liar," Jack said.

        "Wow, cool, yeah, wait. You were the person who keeps telling people here I'm your friend, when, NEWS FLASH! I'm not," Merda growled, "AND YOU!" She said pointing at me, "How in the f***ing world, did not see THIS GUY!" She said now pointing at Jack, "and didn't think, 'hum this guy looks crazy, acts crazy, seems crazy, looks like a messed up character, yeah I shouldn't go with this guy because, stranger danger, oh and... COMMON SENCE!'" She shouted.

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