4 - Blake Belladonna & Trailer

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The Belladonna's instantly perked up at the idea of having a daughter.

As the video was about to start a message from X came up. 'Everyone watching, please.. don't judge Blake on the trailer your about to see.'
That worried everyone, was this girl a criminal or something? Before they asked X continued, 'This is in Blake's past, and she was forced to do this. In this video it shows how she leaves.'

After an eerie silence they decided that they all understand the message and were ready to continue.

"Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation."

"Im gonna guess that has to do with her leaving." Raven concluded. Her male teammates gave her questioning looks. "(sigh) The quote is basically telling us that someone's goal or dream, has effected her negatively. Soo.. she's starting to go down her own path."
The others, who were thinking the same thing, nodded at her conclusion while the two boys silently oh'd, hoping to not get hit for their stupidity.

The camera shows Blake sitting on a rock in forever fall before a man comes up to her.
"Blake, its time."
She turns to him. "Okay."

"Your daughters beautiful Kali." Summer said taking her mind away from the warning.
"Yeah," Li agreed," Though imma guess that man is the other person in the quote."
"Mmm. Her burden." An agreed with her husband.

The two Faunus are shown running through the forest, before stopping at the edge of a cliff as a train in seen passing by.

"That's a Schnee Company train. Are they gonna rob it?!" Jacques demanded angrily
"Whatever their doing we can't hold against the young Ms. Belladonna." Ozpin reminded them. "Remember what X said, she's being forced to do this."

They both skid down before hopping on the cliff and onto the train. The man, runs forward and cuts the hatch open before they both jump in.
Robots around them light up and come to life. "Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way." He says. "Don't be so dramatic." Blake replies.

"Ooh I like her. She's got sass." Qrow exclaims.
"Of course that's what you like about her." Summer said sarcastically.

     "Intruder, identify yourself!"
     The mans sword springs outward and hires the robot before he runs forward and slices it in half.

     The other droids draw their swords and charge at Blake who's flip over both and cuts them down.
     Both Faunus are seen back to back. The man grabs his sheath which becomes a rifle. They continue fighting before one robot starts firing at them.

     The male Faunus unsheathes his sword and blocks the bullets with it. Black charges forward, dodging bullets, and cuts the metal head off. She then continues to destroy the bots until the last one.

     Blake hits it up towards the red head who kicks it into the door, effectively destroying both pieces of metal.

     "Your daughter truly is skilled." Summer complimented. "Yes, she will be an excellent huntress." Glynda added in.

     The two continue to drive through the security robots (although sad excuses for it), before walking into a cart with a load of dust.
     "Perfect." then man says opening the crate, "Move onto the next car, I'll set the charges."

     "Charges!!" Jacques infuriatingly demands. Willow winces at her husbands loud voice before her heads pulled to rest on Summer's shoulder.

     "What about the people?" Blake ask worriedly
     "What about them?" The man dejects. Blake closes her eyes and bows her head.

     "He was willing to kill them?!?!" Tai exclaimed. "Their just doing their job!!"
     "Poor Blake," Emily adds, "I understand what X said now. She really looks like she hates herself for being there." Kali hums in agreement.

     The man turns around to notice a spider droid falling down behind him. He moves toward it, "Adam!" Blake calls out anxiously.

"Pardon my English, but Adam is an Asshole." An states, everyone agreeing.

They run at the droid, dodging its bullets, but as Blake try's to hit it, she only gets thrown back.
The man, Adam, jumps in front of Blake only to get thrown into a few boxes. The droid try's to crush Blake under its leg but Adam moves her out of the way.

"At least he cares for her." Kali said weakly.

"We need to get out of here." She says. Before they could do anything though, the droid charges up a shot before hitting them through the door and onto the next car.

"Buy me some time." Adam says. "Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly. "Do it!" He demands while starting to prepare an attack.

Blake dodges the bullets coming her way and swings behind the droid before going for the legs.   She flips to the front before jumping up and attaching the katana part of gambol shroud to the droids head, and shoots rapidly.
     She takes the sword out and jumps back to where Adan is.

     The viewers were amazed at the display, although she couldn't do any really damage.

     The droid charges up another big attack and fires only for it to be absorbed by Adams sword. As the droid got closer, Adam unsheathed his sword and sliced through it.

     Ozpin frowned at the though of their enemies having such a powerful semblance. While everybody else, spare Glynda, was amazed.

     Adam turned and ran towards Blake but noticed she was on the next car and stopped. He reached out to her, "Goodbye." She said before decoupling the train.

     Everything around her faded to red except for her silhouette which remained black.
     'RWBY' came into view with the, now three, girls filled in.

     "Welp. That was intense." Tai inputted. "Indeed. It seems that's how the young Belladonna left." Li agreed.
     "Well we better head in to the last trailer." Raven said. The screen turned black once more before the words 'Yang Xiao-Long & Trailer' showed up.

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