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Elena POV:
My throat was sore and I needed something to drink.  I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of the Salvatores living room. My arm burned. I looked over to see A small puncture wound.
"Klaus." i muttered rolling  my eyes.  At least i wouldn't have to see him again for another few weeks.

"So you have awoken!"  I heard a very chipper voice say. I smelled something delicious.

"Elijah? Is that you?" i asked.

"Why yes it is. I'm glad you can recognize my voice." he said walking into the living room with a plate of eggs and bacon.

"I'm thirsty." I said standing up. But that was a mistake. I wasn't standing for two seconds before i felt my knees collapse under me. I heard a loud crash and saw Elijahs face above mine.

"You're dizzy and weak. It's from the blood loss.   Here," he said biting into his wrist. "drink this. It will heal you and make you feel immensely better"

I hesitated at first but then drank. The taste was bad at first, almost as if i was drinking rotten milk, then it became sweet. He pulled away his arm.

"That's enough." he said, moving to clean up the mess he made from dropping the plate of food.

"Damn" i said. "I was really looking forward to eating that.

"Don't worry i've made more." Elijah smirked.
I walked into the kitchen. He had already fixed me a plate with bacon and eggs again. I was still thirst for some water, to soothe the pain Klaus left behind. But before I stood up, Elijah had already fixed me a glass.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked. No original had ever showed this much interest in me other than Klaus, and he only wanted my blood.

"Well, i came for the white oak steak, but after what I saw Klaus do last night, The way he treats you as if you're an object, I figured i'd make the morning better for you." he said.

"Thank you but you didn't have to do that. I can handle myself." i replied.

"Oh Elena Gilbert, the independent, doppelgänger and human bloodbag. It is an honor to help you" Elijah said, laughing at his own joke.

I looked down at my side and saw the bloodstain.
" I should really go take a shower. Clean myself up." i said, gesturing to the huge bloodstain on my shirt.

"Yes and i will clean up down here," he said turning to the dishes.

I walked upstairs and didn't even think twice about stepping into Damon's room. I still missed him, and loved him even, but i was moving on. It had been months anyways. I hopped into the shower. The warm water made me comfortable. It made the marks Klaus left on my neck soothe. I tried to distract myself from the annoying hybrid that kept showing up at my doorstep. I thought about Caroline, and Bonnie and Jeremy, but my thoughts always ended up on the handsome Original that was downstairs. I shook the feeling i had and went to get dressed. Realizing i had no more clothes here, I knew i had to go back to my house. I hoped Alaric had been doing better. So i slipped into one of damon's old tshirts and boxer shorts that were way to big for me. The shirt was see-through and very low cut. It didn't matter. I was only going to my house and back here.

I hopped down the stairs and was surprised to see Elijah still on the couch. His eyes wandered down my body, then he closed them tightly shut. I was confused at first, Then I realized. I was practically naked! I stepped behind a wall and poked my head around the corner.

"I'm so sorry i didn't know you were still here! You can open your eyes now"

"Yes well I best be going," He said. I have business to attend to in New Orleans. Do you have the steak?" he asked.

"No." I lied. It was the one thing he wanted from me and if it was going to keep him around, i needed to keep its whereabouts  a secret.

"Ok then. I know it's in this house somewhere, and I trust that you won't use it against me or my siblings. So i will be going then.  it if you find it please get in touch" Elijah said holding the door handle.

"Wait," I said. "You'll come back right? You're not going to leave and never come back are you?"

"Do you want me to come back?"

"Yes. You're the only friend i have that i can actually talk  to right now. I don't want to loose anyone else."

"Elena," he said speeding to me. "I will return to you, you have my word."

"Okay" i said, my heart fluttering. I hoped he wasn't paying attention. He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. It was soft and gentle, then he was gone.

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