Chapter 11

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You guys stayed up late that night,talking and laughing about many things.

It was the middle of the night and your eyes were slowly shutting with all that talk. Cole saw this then smiled to himself. He started stroking your hair which slowly made you drift off to sleep "Goodnight y/n...". You snuggled to his chest as Cole gave a kiss on your forehead.

Few years later when i died(lol am just joking😂) The next morning you woke up to see Cole beside you,sleeping soundly. You checked your phone to see it was 9:00am so you quietly and carefully got out of the bed,not trying to wake Cole then got ready.

You decided to wear a black ripped jeans,white crop top with a flannel tied to your waist (the pic above). You were soon ready to head out until a pair of arms took hold of your waist from behind. You gave a smirk,knowing who it was then pushed the arms away and turned around "I'm gonna head out at some places by myself. I wanna be alone right now,k" you said,smiling with your arms folded "k" then you wore your shoes then rushed out.

You explored New York the whole day then noticed it was 6:30pm 'Cole must be worried... maybe I should give him a call' you thought and did exactly what was in your mind.




Cole: Hello? Y/n it's late. Where are you?

Y/n: I'm fine,Cole. I'll just be a bit late.

Cole: Y/n it's 6:30pm! Where and what are you doing that makes you want to come late?!"

Y/n: Nothing,it's just I found some awesome and interesting places to move around plus I'm a badgirl,no one would dare to mess with me.

Cole: *sighs* Fine...But give me a call if there's anything wrong and don't be out too late,babe

Y/n: Whatever....adíos!

You quickly tucked your phone in your pocket then saw a man that caught your attention.

He had brown hair with a red tip,but you couldn't see his eyes just then you remembered something. You took out the picture of your parents and brother and found the same kind of hair the man had. You decided to follow the man. He was walking into the alley very quickly. You followed him but lost him.

You looked around for any sign of finding him but no,suddenly someone grabbed your hand from behind then turned you around and held your hands tightly to your back,upwards. You growled then kicked him down which made him let go of you. You turned around to see bright green eyes,nearly emerald green. You gasped and found out that those were the same eyes as your brother's,Shawn.

Before you could say a word,the man punched you in the stomach then pinned you to the wall backwards "Who are you and why are you following me?!" the furious man asked in a demanding voice "Y/n!..." "Last name!" he demanded "Y/n l/n! Happy now?!" "L/n...." the man repeated your sur name to himself but you heard it.

The man pushed you away then disappeared when you turned around to see him "Is it...? No it can't be..." you said to yourself
'THUD!" a noise came from nearby,you decided to follow it, your curiosity was filled with deep concentrated. You saw the brown hair man with a red tip walk in a room that has a metal door. He went in and that's when you came out from your hiding spot then stood near the door trying to open it.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" A black haired boy with violet eyes asked,folding his arms with a raised eyebrow. He was really handsome and for a human with violet's quite rare,very rare. "Oh uhhh uhm I am a new member and I came with..." you went silent after you found out you going way to easy with your talks and you might get yourself into trouble if you're not careful. The boy tilted his head then looked at you suspiciously and confused "With?" "With uhh...Shawn! Yeah, Shawn l/n!" you said trying to act normal as possible" "Shawn? Why didn't ya say so,sis. Come on in! I'm sure we could find him" he said,smiling sheepishly.

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