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"HEy! YOOOooo! MAlk IS On THe FLOor!!!!11!!!!" Said a Cucumber. Thank goodness this fight was getting boring.

"Cucumber, talk like a normal food." Said Chedda. He was the one talking all bonkers before he should shut his hypocritical mouth.

"Let Cucumber live his life, Cheddar J. Anyway you are not one to talk." Gouda pointed out. Smart chick I'll keep her.

"Don't tell me what to do." Said Chedda.

"As long as you dont tell other people what to do, I won't tell you what to do." Gouda replied.

Cheddar grumbled for a few minutes. Trying to think of a way to reply. He was becoming about as red as hot sauce. Probably pure hot rage.

After a few minutes of everyone watching Cheddar seeing if he was going to reply, we lost faith in him.

"So about Malk, what are we going to do with him? We have to honor him somehow. What shall we do?" Asked a random citizen.

"I, think we should feast upon our best mates. Perferrably his favorite foods." Said White Chocolate. He always honored himself to much, even though he didn't taste as good as milk or dark chocolate. He was usually there subsitute if the monsters/hoomans couldn't find any milk chocolate.

"I, think you should shut up" Said Cheddar. Calm down man. He was only stating a terrible opinion. If we went through with it, it would be terrible and weird but still.

Everyone sat to them selves for a bit. They were so caught up in thinking they didn't notice Swiss was gone... They also didn't notice that Mozzarella never came to the meeting

"I don't know if we should do this," Mozzarella admitted "I don't really want to get involved in your affairs. Also, do we have to talk on the counter it is very warm and uncomfortable here? Can't we do this in a compartment in the fridge? Or even in the freezer?"

"We have to do it out here. Other wise someone might hear us and tell Cheddar." Pointed out Swiss

 "We're only talking. We aren't going to discuss anything to drastic, yet." Mozzarella pointed out.

"I think we should just talk positively about Malk." Gouda voiced.

"Yeah, that sounds like all we can do." Sweet Potato said. "At least for now."

"We could do it tomorrow. I can't think of much right now." Malk's wife said.

"Ok, that works," Gouda said. 

"Hey, has anyone seen Swiss?" Cheddar asked.

"How come you want to know?" A noisy lil' crap asked.

"I don't know, maybe I wanna do something with my life and apologise to her." Answered Cheddar dumbly. That would have been a good idea like a few hours ago.

"Dude, I doubt she wants to talk to you right now. Anyway you did rip her non-existant heart straight from her chest and then play around with it." Leftover Chicken said.

"Fine. But, I am going to apologise later." Cheddar said.

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