The resemblence is remarkable

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...May 4th...2012...

...New York...

"Mommy,is there ugly robot rhinos outside?" Elizabeth asks, in a whisper.

There are numerous bookshelves pushed against the doors that are getting struck harder and harder by each strike.Not only were there bookshelves but also some stacked tables.There is a small television set at the left corner to the entrance on a black metal hooked into both sides of the corners. The television set is showing what is happening out in the streets of New York. There are numerous people, including Elizabeth's family, taking safety in this building.The upper floors had been broken through thanks to the Chitauri ships pressing against the glass window that allowed Chitauri to come through.The staircases are blocked because some wall material from above had fallen in making a very terrible mess.

The elevators are broken. So that leaves The Chitauri unable to continue their attack down into the lobby.

"They're not going to come in, Liz." Amy said.

"Not with all the heavy lifting we did." Baron, Elizabeth's dad, adds holding a baseball bat.

Perhaps this day can get a bit more chaotic.

Elizabeth looks worried despite  her parent's reassurance.

"I-I--I read that some of the hardest wood can't  withstand alien laser blasters." A random civilian said.

 Through the television screen that shows a tipped over camera that has been ditched; the Chituari are actually running the other direction.They are running towards the right speaking in a language that is very quick, strange, and unheard of. The very notion many people would refuse to believe is that animals other than humans are very intelligent and view humans as idiots.A deep unusual sounding grunt is heard from the direction the Chitauri were running away. A pair of brown furry legs with hooves stampeded by the camera which sent the camera tipping over.

"I am in the middle of..." A Teenage boy said out loud, looking down to his phone.  Let's call him; The  Teenage Text Speaker.

"This is not the time to be texting." Baron said, glaring down towards The Teenage Text Speaker.

"I am facebooking." The Teenage Text Speaker said.

"Turn that damn phone off." Baron said. "We're in the middle of a disaster, and, you want to go out texting?"

"Well, I like to make my minutes count." The Teenage Text Speaker said, with a small shrug.

Baron snatches the phone from The Teenage Text Speaker.

"Give back my phone!"  The Teenage Text Speaker said as Baron held the phone up.

The furniture pressed against the doors budged a little when a lot of force struck it.

"I am in the middle of a very dangerous zone, text later!" Baron said out loud as his fingers flew across the little keyboard making a few mistakes here and there with his grammar in the text. "Text sent!" He clicks a rounded red button on the side of the phone. Baron hands the phone back."If I see that phone on again,you won't--"

A heavy impact struck the doors sending everything that had been blocking entrance flying in scattering into pieces. In the chaos that ensued it resulted in the loss of a few lives, but really, it is not a few who died it is actually  a lot.Elizabeth's hearing became numb, well actually,her ears were ringing a loud pitch like someone had tapped a spoon lightly against a fine pretty crystal cup  beside her ear. Elizabeth could hear her heart beating.She is unable to move, do anything,and everything went into slow motion. It was as if Elizabeth was watching a movie laying back in a chair instead of being there.

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