It's Everything About You

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Hello my dear friends, my name is Krista Christensen. I'm sixteen years young and a bit of a bookworm. My favorite color is pale blue and my favorite band is The Fray. My best friend/ boo bear is Arabell Jones and she is obsessed with this boy band, One Direction. Anyways, let's begin with this story.

Krista's P.O.V.

The mall was one of my favorite places to relax. I wasn't one to spend my whole day shopping, but a cozy little bookstore was the perfect space to hide from it all. And when you have a hectic life like mine, it's important to get away from it all now and again.


"Krista, get your lazy ass down here!" My adoptive father yelled at me as I tossed on my clothes for this day.

Yes, I'm adopted, I was born in Ostersund, Sweden where my parents died at their job, leaving me behind to fend for myself. Now I live with my best friend and sister Arabell, I'm hoping to someday to have them fully adopt me and I can be Krista Jones.

You might think that because he's a military guy and curses a lot that he's abusive. Just to let you know, he's not abusive, nor has he ever been. He's just a military man with a long, very busy schedule to keep. He's not the most affectionate man ever, but he's a good father none the less, better than the one I had in Sweden for sure.

I hauled my sorry butt down the three flights of stairs to our front door and to my impatient father. "Come on soldier, we don't have all day for you to sit on your ass and bake cookies. Today you have violin tryouts, choir rehearsal for your concert coming up, and training with Private Mitt." He informed me with a quick once-over to make sure my outfit was "appropriate."

Yeah, I know my life is is extremely crazy, you should try living it sometime, but I deal. Don't get me wrong, being musically and physically talented is great and all, but the life of an average teenager certainly wouldn't kill me anytime soon.

*Flashback over*

Today for me was like any other old hot summer Tuesday, I was curled up on a faded red beanbag chair in the dusty Romance section of Joanne's Bookstore. I was lucky my asthma didn't act up with all the dust and dirt in here.

Currently I was reading Pride and Prejudice, a classic, but one I always found myself returning to. The plot was just so good, and it was the first book I ever read in english, so it held a special place in my heart.

I so easily lost myself in the beauty of the sweet relationships depicted I these stories that I would never get to have. I'm too unattractive, too anti-social, and guys don't typically want to date a girl that could kick their butts. I hadn't even had my first kiss at the age of eighteen for Christ's sake! It's really pathetic, but forever alone isn't that bad, maybe I'll get a lot of cats...

I was probably the only person to come to this section, bit I didn't care. The more secluded, the better. Being in seclusion made me feel secure, like I was untouchable or the last person on Earth.

I guess I got a little too lost in my books, because I has yet to see that three whole hours had passed while I was in there. I probably wouldn't have noticed at all if Joanne hadn't come back there to collect me before closing up. I was always in that section, so it wasn't as if it was hard to find me.

Joanne and I had known each other ever since I had come to America. Being a Literature teacher, she instantly took me under her wing and taught me proper english.

My english is so proper I probably speak it better than a British person! Not that it bothers me, I would like to rub it in a British person's face that I'm better than them. But I won't meet any British people anytime soon..

With a slight wave to Joanne, I sighed dramatically and headed to the front of the mall where my car Bond was waiting for me. I only stayed until Joanne's closed, actually, I don't think I've been to any other parts of the mall before...

Niall's P.O.V.

The boys and I were doing a signing in this little itty bitty town called Lewisville, Texas. Some girls here had won a contest to get us to come to their town, and let me tell you, they were some crazy girls. I hope there are some normal people here, I could stand for a new friend who wasn't off their rocker.

We were currently sitting at a long table in a music store after hours of signing crazed fangirls' stuff. As much as I loved our fans, they made me tired, and frankly a little scared. Luckily, it was winding down to the end of the day, and we could go back to the hotel, eat as much food as possible and then go to sleep.

I was staring absent-mindedly out the store window when I saw a beautiful girl walk by. She was cradling some books in her arms and sighing dramatically. The girl looked pretty normal to me, so I decided to take a risk and make her my new friend while we were here.

The boys weren't watching me, and it was a nice moment when there were no fans or paps around us. I took a deep calming breath and made a mad dash across the walkway towards her, narrowly avoiding shoppers all the way.

I tapped her gently on the shoulder and she whipped around to look at me. "Um, h-hi." She whispered, tilting her head downwards to stare at the ground. Aww, the was too damn cute, all shy like that! Wait, what was I doing, saying that the girl who was supposed to be my new friend was cute?

"Ello there miss, sorry for startling you like that, but I was just sitting in that store over there with my buds and happened to see you walking. Then, I had the lovely idea of coming to see you because you seemed like a person worth talking to." I said excitedly with a cheery smile.

While waiting for her to answer, I got to check her out some more. Under further scrutiny, this girl was even more perfect than she appeared from my quick glimpse in the store window.

Her hair was a perfect mix of blonde and brown. Her eyes, swirling hazel orbs that seemed to change colors every five seconds. Let's just say she was super fit. She also must like Sweden, because she has a crop top with the Swedish flag and some jean shorts.

"Oh, well then I guess that's quite alright then, I didn't know I looked so approachable to random people, I hope I don't get confronted by creepers, then again, you might be a creeper...." Her response made me laugh, she had a really funny personality.

"I promise I'm not a creeper love, I just wanted a friend to talk to while my friends all text pretty girls. But it seems I've found myself my own pretty girl." Krista blushed crimson red at my flat out flirting.

Well I guess I can take time out of my lazy day to talk to you. Where would you like to talk...?" She questioned, not exactly knowing what to call me.

"I'm Niall, Niall Horan." I stated simply, twiddling my thumbs awkwardly, hoping she wasn't a fan. But, there wasn't even a flicker of recognition in those deep hazel eyes, so I guess she didn't know about One Direction.

That was alright with me,I didn't want her to like me because of fame. So many girls had done that to me before, they weasled into my life and then ditched me as soon as they got their fame. "I was thinking about going back and talking at my table after you meet my friends. Oh, and you are?" I asked, pushing those bad memories away.

"I'm Krista Christensen, bookworm extrordinaire, good to meet you Niall Horan." She said, holding out her little hand for me to shake. I liked her a lot already, she was super funny and intelligent.

Instead, I pulled her into a big bear hug which she timidly returned. I think my forward attitude scared her a bit there. She was just so small, it was hard not to want to encase her in a warm hug because she was just so cute. So, I thought of a quick excuse.

"Sorry, my friends all do the same things, so I thought it was only fair to let you know what you are getting into." I said. Then, I grabbed her hand and lead her to meet the rest of the lads.

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