As Long As She's Mine

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Niall's P.O.V.

It's been weeks and Krista has finally fully recovered from her crazy person disease. Okay, it was not crazy person disease, her amnesia just caused her to go a little off. If little is the right term...

It turns out that Steffan had been trying to get her to remember him from when they were kids, but the memories were too much for her to handle and she went back to her most defensive state, being an agent.

Also, bringing such memories as the ones of love broke past the barrier the agency would put up so retired agents wouldn't go berserk. It was like a sort of safety net if you will.

Who knew that they had known each other for so long? It must have been painful for Steffan to live still remembering someone he loved who hated him I'm just glad in the end she chose me over him, I couldn't live without her.

She had a few relapses, but as soon as I held her close and told her how much I loved her, she would snap back into reality. It was scary, but Krista is worth every hardship and every trial I face.

Life has been treating us well, we found out that Steffan had killed himself to let Krista live the life she wanted. A singl bullet through the head, that's all it took to take him down.

Being the way she is, Krista actually felt bad for him. I tried to convince her that it was all for the best, but I guess losing someone that used to be so close to you is hard. No matter how much of a jerk they've been to you. That's just how perfect my girl is. It's satifying to call her my girl.

Do you remember when I said I wished I could have sang to Krista on stage when Harry sang to Arabell? Well, I finally got my chance to.


Harry and I were sick of the paps and fans harrassing Krista and Arabel all the time. The amount of hate they received on their facebooks and twitters was astounding in and of itself. Well, to stop it all, we were going to publicly tell people about our relationships.

So, during our last song, we went in classic fanfiction style and pulled them onstage....

Krista almost refused to go out on stage, I had to beg and plead to convince her to go. I'm sure the only reason she went was because I looked so pathetic begging on my knees.

Once they stepped out, they saw the huge banners saying, "Niall and Harry love Krista and Arabell with all of their hearts."

I was afraid Krista was going to cry before we even sang. I pulled her close to me, and Harry did the same with Arabell. The music for "They Don't Know About Us", began to play, and my focus was completly on showing Krista how much I loved her.

" People say we shouldn't be together, We're too young to know about forever, But I say they don't know what they talk talk talkin' about,

Cause this love is only getting stronger, So I don't wanna wait any longer I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl, Ohh

They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the I love you's, But I bet you if they only knew, They will just be jealous of us, They don't know about the up all night's, They don't know I've waited all my life, Just to find a love that feels this right,

Baby they don't know about, They don't know about us

Just one touch and I was a believer, Every day it gets a little sweeter, It's getting better, Keeps getting better all the time girl,

They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the I love you's, But I bet you if they only knew, They will just be jealous of us, They don't know about the up all night's, They don't know I've waited all my life, Just to find a love that feels this right,

Baby they don't know about, They don't know about us,

They don't know how special you are, They don't know what you've done to my heart, They can say anything they want, Cause they don't know about us,

They don't know what we do best, That's between me and you our little secret,

But I wanna tell em I wanna tell the world that you're mine girl

They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the I love you's, But I bet you if they only knew, They will just be jealous of us, They don't know about the up all night's, They don't know I've waited all my life, Just to find a love that feels this right,

Baby they don't know about, They don't know about us

They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the I love you's, But I bet you if they only knew, They will just be jealous of us, They don't know about the up all night's, They don't know I've waited all my life, Just to find a love that feels this right,

Baby they don't know about, They don't know about us,

They don't know about us, They don't know about us."

Harry and I finished the song, and Krista broke out into happy tears. She pulled me close and kissed me right in front of all our fans. We receieved some cheers along with some boos, but it didn't matter because Krista was mine, and only mine.

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