Friends With One Direction

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Krista's P.O.V.

I had spent the last hour learning everything about the weirdos that sat in front of me. And when I say everything, I mean every flipping thing. Even the kinds of things I didn't want to know, they really had no same.

For good measures I say let's start at the very beginning of their very long, yet very intriguing story. It sounds like the best place to start, but what do I know?

All of them had started out with the dream of going into the music industry. They all lived in the UK, so they all tried out for the British X-Factor. They were each good enough as individuals, but they were soon put together as a band by none other than the great Simon Cowell.

Together, they did extremely well in the X-Factor, but only got third place. But, it didn't matter, girls loved them, so Simon signed them to his company. And now, they were making girls swoon all across the world.

Harry was a major flirt, he was always making the girls swoon. He was originally from Cheshire, and he lived with his mom and sister Gemma. I liked his brown curls, they were fun to play with. And his electric green eyes were as easy to read as an open book in the public library.

Louis was the cute, sweet, and sassy one. He originally came from Doncaster, and fans call him the sass master from Doncaster. He may not come off as it, but he is in fact the eldest. Those blue eyes of his are much more guarded than one might expect, and his light brown hair is messy from stress. I might want to look into helping him out, he needs support and for someone to care.

Zayn is a bit vain. He seems to be worried that people will judge him purely on looks alone. I don't know why, his personality is great. He is definitely the most guarded of the group. He has funky cinnamon swirl hair and pretty hazel eyes that are more brown than mine. He is from Bradford, and fans call him the Bradford Bad Boi. Don't ask me, I don't get it either, he's about as bad as a butterfly.

Liam is definitely the glue that holds them together. His intelligence and seriousness come in when needed, but he can still be fun. He is called by both the boys and fans alike "daddy direction." He has short brown hair and chocolate eyes. (mmm chocolate.) Nothing is hidden with him, I don't think he could lie if you held a gun to his head and made him.

Lastly Niall is the all around adorable one. He apparently really likes food, and is always eating, a man after my own heart. Anyways, he's from Mullingar, Ireland, so he often is called a leprechaun or a "special snowflake" don't ask me how they got special snowflake, I'm sure their fans are on crack or something.

"So Krista, tell us about yourself." Niall said eagerly, bouncing up and down in his seat.

Dang it, this was the question I had been dreading. I hated lying to new people, especially people like One Direction. But if I told them the truth, they would be at a horrible risk, and I refuse to do that to them. No, I would just have to keep my secret a secret forever.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I asked, hoping they would ask something dumb like my favorite color or animal. But I had no such luck.

"Everything. To be friends with One Direction, we have to know everything about you."

Well fuck.

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