I cant live without you

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The episode start with Anurag stopping his bike near the bridge and a girl is seen smiling

Bike?? Like seriously

Anu: come on Darling you using a bike its really romantic

Oh real___ she says while turning around its Komolika

Anu: yes and I'm taking you on a ride

Lika: woow so sweet that's why I love you I can't even imagine life without you

Anu: same here I can't live without you ___saying that he kissed her on her forehead and they share a romantic moment

After college: Priyu, Shivi and Tapur are having ice cream

Priyu: babydoll how did you find your first day

Shivi: di you can't call me that at least not here...... she said while fuming in anger and Tapur laugh

Priyu: oh real let me decide that

Shivi: don't start now looking at Tapur

Tapur: what?

Shivi: why are you laughing??

Tapur: nothing .....she says while running away

They had so much fun and Priyu notice that Tapur was about to cry what's wrong lil princess

Tapur: nothing di

Priyu: really you called me sister and you're lying why

Tapur: actually I just got emotional seeing the bond between you two even I have sister but she never had time for she only love brother but me they treat me like I don't exist even mom and Dad they're always busy with their work, the only thing they care about its Anu and Nivi thank god I have a brother in law who at least have time for me____she said that wiping her tears

Priyu and Shivi felt real bad and hug her

Priyu: its ok you have us now we will always be with you no matter what happens ok

Tapur: promise? sobbing her self

Shivi: yes wait a minute you and I were born at the same day you're jus an hour older than me

Priyu: really ! that means I have two baby dolls now

Shivi: yes they had fun it was time to go home they went to their respected home

On their way home  Priyu was lost somewhere

Shivi: thinking about Tapur?

Priyu: yes I really felt bad you know who treat their own child like that

Shivi: yeah you're right but at least we are here for her right

Priyu: yes let's go help mom___the went to help their mom with her work

So in this episode we find out that Anu and Lika are in a relationship but the question is how will Priyu be part of their love story! Yes will Priyu , Shivi and Tapur always be together

Continue to read the story to find out more

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