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The careers were coming back and Katniss was in no condition to fight. Rue had climbed down, so I got to her. "You help Katniss I'll deal with the careers," I told her. Rue nodded and helped a stumbling Katniss while I picked up a sword and knife that had been dropped. I put the knife in my pocket just before the careers showed up and Clove threw something that hit me in the face. I screamed as pain shot into my eyes and my vision went dark. "What was that?" I yelled. "Something a sponsor gave me. Causes blindness," Marvel said. "Let's see if you can fight blind," Cato said. I felt his heat coming at me and I dodged the blow grabbing his arm and flipping him over my shoulder. "Cato!" Clove screams and threw a knife at me, but it didn't hit me because a dodged and it landed in a tree. I got one out and swung it as it embedded itself it the arm of Marvel who clutched it. Cato swung his sword at me after getting up and I jumped because he aimed for my legs. Clove took a chance and threw a knife at me and I dodged again.

I just needed to stall long enough for Rue.

The ninja

"What was that!?" Kai screams clutching his eyes that had now become white. "Something a sponsor gave me. Causes blindness," A boy from district one said.

"Looks like I finally get to know if he can throw a knife blind," Flicker-man jokes as a fight broke out. "Anyone blind can throw a knife the question is will it land?" Claudius said. The ninja were silent as they watched Kai dodge the knives and sword thrown his way and even hitting one person in the arm. "How are you doing this?! Your blind!" Clove yelled. "Maybe if you shut up and stop giving away where you are it might be harder," Kai responds dodging another knife. Kai grabs another knife and threw it and it landed in Marvel's eye as he screams it didn't kill him though as he ripped it out. "Oh! Looks like he can aim blind and the eyes!" Flicker-man said. "I warned you not to get on my bad side," Kai taunts. "Hey we can still make a deal," Cato tries clearly impressed by the display. "I'm not going to be in a alliance with people trying to kill me!" Kai yelled. He was distracted by Cato that Marvel threw his spear, but thanks to being half blind he misses slightly and it pierced Kai's leg and he screams. Falling to the ground clutching it. "We gave you the chance now enjoy death lover boy," Cato said raising his sword. Suddenly though the tree Kai was leaning against erupted in flames and the careers ran from the flame before it spread leaving Kai to burn. Kai got up though and hobbles away from the tree taking his sword with him.

"Woah that was quite a mighty battle was it not?" Claudius asks. "Yes it was looks like someone is favouring the boy on fire, but he has a wounded leg and is blinded unless he can figure out something," Flicker-man said as Kai stumbles away. "I cannot believe he did that," Cole said in shock. "It was that or death Cole he did what was trained," Master Wu said. "He doesn't have good chances right now," Zane said. "Have faith he's Kai he doesn't go out without a fight even if it isn't fair," Lloyd said.

(Kai's POV)

I stumbled over to Rue who had helped a unconscious Katniss. I was still blind and badly injured as Rue helped me down and checked my leg. "They took a junk of your skin," she said and I was glad I couldn't see the wound. "I took a eye from the boy from one. I say it was worth it," I joked morbidly. "Is Katniss?" I asked. "She's going to be fine," Rue said than checked my eyes. "You fought blind? How are you alive with just a leg injury?" Rue asks in shock. "I was not going down without a fight," I responded.

"Here I know what to do my father used to be a self taught medic and if we're lucky on what was used I think I can get your sight back," Rue said. I nodded as she worked. "This is gonna hurt," She said than poured something in my eyes. I stung like crazy and tears flew from my eyes as I blinked suddenly I realized I could see again. I looked at Rue in shock as she looked proud of herself. "What did you just give me?" I asked her. "I cut up one of green apples and squeezed them in your eyes to make them cry. Luckily I was right when thinking it was tear gas. When you cried it got the gunk out that was blocking your vision," Rue explains to me. "Your a regular nurse," I said to her. "I wanted to be a medic like my father when I became older," Rue admits. "You will live that dream," I promised her. Suddenly there was beeping and a sponsor gift flew down landing nearby. Rue went over to get it and came back and I realized it had a needle and bandages.

"A note said good fight and keep it up. These are from the capital so if you just let it work it should heal you faster than regular bandages," Rue explains. I nodded as she wrapped the bandages around my leg. As night came Rue yawns. "I'll take watch you get some sleep," I said to her. She nodded and laid down sleeping as I took watch. After about two hours I heard whimpering and turned my head to see Rue whimpering and crying in her sleep and saying. "Please no don't leave me I don't want to die," Rue whimpers. I moved over to her and shook her awake. Rue awoke and when she saw me and got her bearings she started crying in my arms. "Shhhh I'm here it's okay," I soothed her. "You left me. I dreamed you left me to burn in the fire," Rue sobs. I shush her as I comfort her. "It's okay I'm here I didn't leave you I won't leave you," I soothed her running my hand through her tangled hair. "I want my mummy I want to go home," Rue sobs. "You will go home we both will," I promise. "But nobody has ever....what if your plan does not work?" Rue asks me. "It would be a lot cheaper you know? To have no games and just round up two kids from the districts then kill them in front of everyone as a reminder. They have victors because it gives hope," I tell her. "Hope?" She asks looking at me with her chocolate brown eyes. "You have hope when you sing, I have hope when I wake up and see the faces of my family laughing, too much hope can be powerful and the capital knows this. But no hope is even more dangerous because if you don't have hope for something better people become desperate and desperate actions of one person can have disastrous consequences. But a little bit of hope is enough to keep people docile. They need a survivor and we are going to survive," I tell her and she nodded her head in understanding of something I had come to learn in my years as a ninja. "Will you stay with me?" Rue asks. I nodded as she laid back down and softly fell asleep clinging to me like Lloyd did after a nightmare.

I have hope we will survive and I promise we will.

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