Chapter 2: um, are you okay?

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Yoongi and Jungkook picked up their pace as the morning sun shone brightly casting large shadows onto the streets of NYC. cars honking, people chatting. Everything was going on as usual.


Yoongi glanced over at Jungkook watching as the younger fumbled his hand into his pocket to check his phone, and read the text he had received.

  "Who's it from?" Yoongi muttered glancing down at the phone in his younger brothers hands.

Jungkook bit his lip before speaking. "It's Mom, she said to be careful cause there's a lot of uhhh" Jungkook paused scratching his head,

"a lot of.. crazy people out?" The younger questioned, looking at his brother with a frown. The thought was mutual, It's new york. When is there not a lot of crazy people out?

The older boys mouth formed into an O shape as he glanced around the streets. A light breeze blew and ruffled softly around the area. Picking up a few leaves, and blowing them across the sidewalk softly.

Jungkook shuddered as goosebumps prickled up the back of his exposed neck.

A loud ear piercing scream tore through the peaceful atmosphere like a dagger. The brothers turned to the direction of the loud noise to see an agitated looking woman running towards them, she appeared to be in her late 20s. She was well dressed in some fancy work attire, as she ran towards them her heeled boots clicked loudly on the sidewalk.

"He's crazy! He's crazy! He bit me!" she screamed loudly, her long nailed fingers grabbing harshly onto Yoongi's jacket.

A few people glanced over in their direction, but quickly looked away again as they did not want to be the lady's next target.

Yoongi was starting to get uncomfortable with the woman's tight grip on his clothes, he clenched his jaw as he tried to shimmy out of her grip.

"could you let go of me-"


The woman suddenly cut yoongi off, causing the boy to scoff.  She let go of yoongis coat to show her hand to the boys. There was a clear fresh red bite mark on the outside of her palm.

   "Um are you okay?" Yoongi asked, fake worry laced in his words. The young woman squinted her eyes at the him before opening her mouth to speak.

"No, I'm not okay!" the woman screamed loudly making jungkook wince. Yoongi had already enough of the woman, his glare intensified he began to speak,

"I'm sorry, We REALLY can't help you miss. Have a nice day." He spoke out aggressively, his nice facade completely

"Come On let's go Kook."  Yoongi spoke out gruffly, pulling the younger with him away from the woman harshly.

The brothers swiftly walked away from the seemingly deranged woman. Jungkook glanced back to see the woman now yelling at some other people, waving her hand around in the air like a wild animal. It's sad what drugs can do to a person, Jungkook thought; taking one last glance before catching up to gossip with his brother about the situation that just took place.

The pair finally reached the grand entrance of their mediocre public high-school. Jungkook groaned as he stared up the stairs leading to the grand yellow doors. Aka the gates of hell.

Him and Yoongi ventured up the stairs and pushed passed the doors into the zoo of a school. Kids were walking down the halls in groups, some sat down by the lockers that lined the long halls.

Jungkooks sneakers squeaked on the linoleum floor as he dragged himself to class. Looking back to his brother and waving a quick bye, he turned left into the E wing, navigating through the crowds of kids to his math class.

The boy walked into the class right as the bell rang and made his way to the back and took a seat.

Jungkook hated math. Math to him was like being tortured, nobody would be surprised to hear the sophomore was still only in math 1.

His now math teacher for 2 years, Mr. Jarden, tried so hard to get the boys grades up, but alas, math was not a subject the young korean boy was blessed at.

Jungkook easedropped dropped on his classmate Sarah and her friend Courtney's quiet conversation as he stared at the wall, tuning out his teacher's instructions.

He heard something about viruses... viruses? zombies... Why was everybody talking about zombies today. First Yoongi, now Sarah.

Jungkook turned to look at Sarah as she spoke, "This morning I saw this crazy bitch trying to bite people in the subway. Like she looked straight out of a horror film girl. Drugs are way too advanced these days."

The girl talked sassily, her friend agreeing with her.

The young boy snickered, then butted into the girls convo with his own two sense, "I saw a crazy girl this morning who had a fat ass bite on her hand dude, I swear to god it's the bath salts it turns you into a cannibal."

The girls gasped at Jungkooks comment, and continued to chat about 'crazy drug addicts'

The teacher sighed and told the group of teens to shut up, and get back to work.

Jungkook spent the rest of the class doing his quiz, mostly lost in thought.

He couldn't explain this strange feeling buried in his chest, it was scary in a way. It gave him goosebumps down his arms, and made his hair stand up.

He just felt like something bad was going to happen to him.

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