Chap.3 : For all right things

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No sooner had she had time to discover her new ship and her crew than she had already been asked for on the Finalizer. Of course, she had already had time to converse with her captain. He was named Lewis and had fought alongside the empire before. His advanced age made her believe that he probably knew her grandfather, but that didn't really matter that day.

Above all, she had felt his distrust and knew from that moment that it would be difficult to assert herself as an authority. Enael was not taken aback and asked for explanations on the functioning of her predecessor.

"And so he never asked for any copies of the mission files?" She threw him in surprise.
"No, he left that to his captains. Lewis said without wanting to tell him that he had found Hawkins very lazy.

"And he never argued with you?" She said to her technical team.
"Not at all, admiral. Only when necessary. Replied the technician.

But it was absurd, how did he manage to maintain discipline in his fleet? How did he manage to be consistent?
"Captain Lewis. "She launched" Note that right now I want a copy of all the mission reports on my desk.
-Very good.
- I also want a meeting with my teams, every day for the passage of information.
Lewis looked up from his calpin. Surprised.
"And I would also like to meet our soldiers.
- But, you have already met them when you took up your post.
- No Lewis, I will go on a mission with them, at least at the beginning, I want to meet them, I want to see what they are capable of.
The old captain looked dumbfounded. Where did this little admiral come from? Had she really been to the academy?
"I am expected on the Finalizer for a mission order, Lewis will hold command while awaiting my return." Good work. "

Lewis was taken aback. She seemed so insecure on graduation, and here she seemed to know exactly what she wanted. Everyone was already saying that she was going to turn the Donnagher upside down, while others found these changes interesting.
What was certain was that she did not leave anyone indifferent.

When she arrived on the Finalizer, Hux was already waiting for her. With a closed face he gave her a strict look. This guy was really rude.
" I was waiting for you ! He hissed.
" How can I help you?
- One of our bases has just sent me a rather ... disconcerting report. According to their statements, they noticed some malfunctions of our production machines. They can't find the source. And I find this extremely suspicious.
- In what ?
- Are you so stupid admiral?
She gave him a defiant look, so he wouldn't miss any opportunity to belittle her?
"I'm thinking of sabotage!" But I can only be sure by sending someone there.
- And so I'm the lucky one who's going to go watch the dog over there, right?
- You have to start with something Admiral. And I haven't found anything more affordable for you than that.
- Do you mean that I lack competence?
She hissed.
"Let's say I offer you a mission at your level. "
It was too much, he put up with it, him and his icy look that seemed to taunt her all the time.
"I'm leaving now!"
"Do that," he hissed. "I sent the location data as well as the Donnagher reports. They are already aware and are waiting for you. "

Enael had decided to accompany her soldiers and to go and see in person what was going on at the base. Their troops were greeted with great pomp by the commander who began to explain the situation to her. Recently he had noticed malfunctions with a generator in the north tower. These generators helped in the production of the cannons which would be the prototypes used for the Starkiller. It was therefore logical that this situation annoyed Hux to the point. This kind of malfunction would seriously delay the placement of the weapon and he could not afford a delay. The supreme leader did not like delays too much.
When the commander made her see for herself, Enael asked for permission to take a look at "the beast" by herself and went straight to the engine room, she wanted to see the malfunction with her own eyes and followed the engineers working on site.

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