Breaking the Ice

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The restaurant we go to is your typical American burger joint, not that I mind. The table that the Bulls have is the biggest table in the restaurant, situated far in the back corner as if they're worried about us annoying other people. I'm next to a few people that I vaguely recognize, people that I must've known in the other timeline.

Yellow Eye - no, he's not Yellow Eye. I can't keep calling him that. His name is Richard, though I have a hard time seeing him as such. He keeps staring at me. I know he's just trying to figure out if he does know me or not. I don't blame him; I'd be doing the same thing. That lie I came up with wasn't exactly the best.

"Let's do a quick icebreaker to welcome our newest team member," Mr. Gilten says. He's across the table from me. I can't look at him, though. My eyes are fixated on the spot beside him, where Valt currently is. Valt must think it's weird, the way I keep glancing at him, but I can't help myself. I want to know if there's any of the old Valt in there still. I can't let him make the same mistakes that I made.

"Okay, what's the icebreaker?" Richard says.

"Hmm... well, normally I would have the new Blader tell us a bit about where he's from, but considering he's from the same place as Mr. Aoi, I think that would be a bit redundant." He thinks for a moment and then says, "Tell us, Mr. Kurenai, what made you want to join the Bulls?"

I can't say the real reason. There has to be something I can make up. "I liked what I heard about this team," I say. "I heard everyone was hardworking and dedicated, much like myself."

"Ah..." Mr. Gilten smiles. "I think you'll fit right in here if that's your mentality. My team is one of the most prestigious ones out there. We all try our best to push ourselves and succeed, whether that be in the ring or outside of the arena."

I can't help but look at Valt again. Apparently, he's trying to ignore me, since he's looking at Mr. Gilten instead. He feels my stare, though, and we meet each other's eyes for a moment before he looks at something else again.

"I'm glad to hear that," I say.

There's a bit of silence, and then Gilten apparently notices me staring at Valt, because he says, "So, you and Mr. Aoi were friends before?"

"Yeah," I say. "Best friends." Until Lui messed everything up.

"We're still friends," Valt confirms, which is somewhat relieving. "I'm just focused on training right now. I have to get my skills back to where they were before, you know."

"Ah, yes, that horrific incident." Gilten looks down at Valt with an almost sympathetic stare. "I'm confident that you'll be able to rebound. You've been working harder than anyone else, and you definitely have the drive to succeed."

Valt nods, and then takes a bite of his food. I expect him to make a comment about if it tastes good or not, but he doesn't say anything about it. That's another clue that this is not the Valt I knew before.

Gilten's right, though I'm still worried. Valt can't possibly overcome this that quickly. Lui did worse to him than what he had done to me, and what Lui had done to me had driven me all the way to the Snake Pit. The scar started everything, and then the events that followed pushed me further and further until I couldn't take it anymore.

Valt doesn't need any extra little pushes. This time, Lui shoved him straight off the edge, and there might not be a way to climb back up.

At the thought of Lui, I picture his face. I never want to see him again, because if I do, I'll probably do something worse than beat him in a Bey Battle.

I really wish I had some of the others here with me. I'm starting to think I can't get through to Valt on my own. Either that or maybe I'm being unrealistic. I was never the same after Lui scarred me, and I can't expect Valt to be the same after Lui... took his eye out.

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