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The next morning, I get up, go through my usual morning routine, and then head down to where the Bulls have breakfast. It's a rather nice cafeteria, with pretty good food from what I've heard. There are people already there, talking, laughing, having their breakfast. I spot Richard a few tables away from the buffet table, talking to someone else who looks vaguely familiar. I can't quite place him until I remember where he's from.

He's also a Snake Pit Blader. Luckily, those are the only two Snake Pit Bladers I spot. If I would've seen any more, I might've just gone crazy. Though, something else about that cafeteria is about to drive me insane.

I can't see Valt, anywhere. Either he's already eaten and left, or he hasn't come here at all. That worries me.

I get my food and head to the table Richard's at, mostly because he's the only one I can truly recognize. Sure, I know just about everybody in here, but I don't remember anything about them. Not a name, not a personality trait, nothing.

Richard glances over at me, and then keeps talking to the guy across from him. The only thing that stops their conversation is when I ask the only thing on my mind:

"Where's Valt?" I question.

Richard immediately stops talking to the other guy and looks at me. "Aoi?"

"Yeah." What other 'Valt' do you know, just out of curiosity?

For some reason, Richard hesitates. He swallows hard and says, "I dunno. But... this might help you figure it out."

I blink. "What?"

"Mr. Gilten isn't here, either. His assistant told us that he left late last night when I asked."

"You don't think he..." I don't want to say it, but I force myself. "You don't think he took Valt to the Snake Pit, do you?"

"The what?" Richard plays dumb.

I almost speak again, until I remember the guy sitting across from Richard. It takes a moment, but eventually the guy gets up and walks away. That's when I continue.

"I know about the Snake Pit. I was down there, once before." I have to lie, sort of, since that's the only way he'll talk about it to me. I then remember the one thing Ashram always told us to say to the kids down there. "Remember? Nothing gets easier until you get stronger. And if it does get easy, then you're not pushing yourself hard enough."

"Oh my God, you are one of us," Richard blinks. "I knew I recognized you, and I swore it was from there."

"Yeah, I just didn't want anyone finding out." I half-lie. I can't quite call it a total lie. "Do you think that's where they went?"

"It wouldn't surprise me. Whenever Gilten disappears with a kid, that's usually where they end up." Richard leans closer and whispers. "Though, Gilten would never say that. His lie is usually that there's a problem with the kid's papers and they had to go get it sorted out before the kid could be in the tournament."

"So nobody gets suspicious," I tell myself.

Valt went to the Snake Pit.

The thought hits me like a ton of bricks, and suddenly I feel angry. Not angry at Valt, no, but at Gilten of all people. And that's the man who said he would pay my rent so I didn't have to worry about anything. That's the man who scoffed in disbelief when I said my parents left me alone, and said he would never do that to his own kid if he ever had one.

That's the man who tried to help me get stronger so I could beat Lui. That's all he ever does: try to help.

For some reason, though, I can't picture him helping Valt. No, when I think of him taking Valt to the Snake Pit I picture him with an evil smirk on his face. I imagine him as nothing more than a villain. Even though I know he isn't.

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