Chapter 4

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I woke up to someone carrying me as I opened my eyes I saw josh holding me bridal style about to enter a big house
Josh: hi sleepy head
Y/N: hey joshy can you put me down plz
Josh: yeah sure but this is gonna cost you you cuddles
Y/N: deal just put me down if you may
Josh: here you go
Y/N: thank u!!
Soon enough we entered the house and I saw 4 guys sitting on a couch watching a movie as the door swans open to reveal us the 4 guys turned their heads towards us in unison which made me feel as if I was in a Lebanese dramatic movie which made me giggle a little

Then I made eye contact with one of them it lasted a couple mins... it felt magical
Than josh broke the silence when he said
Josh: hey guys let me introduce you to my little sister Y/N

Y/N: hey!I said shyly I'm not a social person at all
Then a guy with multiple slits in his eyebrows came forward and said

Bryce: hi I'm Bryce hall
Anthony : hey I'm Anthony but you can call me Ant
Jaden: hello I'm jaden
Blake: hey I'm blake
Then this cute guy with brown hair hazel eyes and a cute smile came to words me he gave me a smile and said
Kio: hello I'm kio it's nice to meet you

Y/N: hi... I'm Y/N and it's nice to meet you too
I returned the smile with out braking eye contact he was handsome ... I think I mite like him after all

As the door opened it revealed to us josh nosh quinton with a cute girl I directly built eye contact with her she was shy tiny and cute she look beautiful I went forward to indroduce myself  after the introduction she smiled at me with out breaking eye contact she was lovely... shit I think I'm catching feelings no no no I have a girlfriend that's not possible

We all went to sit in the living room when I get an incoming call from my cousin I excused myself and went out of the living room to answer as soon as I pressed the accept baton the screaming started yeah we are kind of a crazy friendship as soon as the call ended I went back to the living room and sat next to josh and put my head on his lap for I was tiered then...

Cliffhanger sry

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