Chapter 9

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Then out of no where my cousin yara piped out she scared the hell out of me

Yara: surprise!! Missed you girl

Y/N: ahhhhhhhhhhh! The hella you thinking you scared the fella out of me

And then landed in koi's arms after jumping out my place cuz I just lived the scariest jump of my life

Kio: woah! Chill Y/N/N ( your nickname)

Yara: kio seriously haven't seen you in for ever
Kio: yara misses you bestie

Y/N: ok what's going on cuz I'm confused as hell
I said as I walked to hug yara

Yara: oh nothing me and kio are besties since the day we were born. But any ways missed you sis

Y/N: missed you mare Yaryour
After we all hugged Charlie and the girls came over and we were about to go to my room when

Anthony : can I join your girls talk

Avani: no ant it's a girls talk

Anthony: fine then boys to my room we're having a boys talk

Bryce: I'm in


Quinton: y/ n kinda need to talk to ya bestie but Gus I'm in to

Y/N: yeah sure quin will be there in a sec guys

As I went to talk to quinton

Quinton: who's the new cutie with ya

Y/N: haha you mean yara she's ma cousin why?
Quinton: oh you never told me you had a hot cousin boy I think I'm catching feelings

Y/ N: oooo is ma bestie falling for my cousin? How bout I talk to her throughout the girls talk hun?

Quinton:  I'd be very thankful I'm lucky I got you as a best friend

Y/N: got your back q

Addison: Y/N you coming

Y/N: yeah here i am

As I got to my room as is girls started talking

Addison: now that we're all her first of I'd like to say a warm welcome to yara in our group and second Y/N spill the tee between you and kio

Y/N: well I think I might be feelings ok ok fine I like him

Avani: I new it !!

Y/N:shshshs hey quiet quit the screaming

Avani: oh I'm so sorry

Yara: so let me get that straight my cousin likes my best friend cool I shop this so bad

Charlie: we need to find them a ship name
How about y/s/n

Y/N: I like this

Anthony POV
All the boys met at my room since the girls didn't want me to join them I'm doing one of my own

Anthony: so first kio spill the tea about
y/n and second q I saw the way you looked at joshes cousin yara so talk or be forced to

Kio : umm...I umm..I-I-I-I like y/n ok?!

Josh:what the ... bro you like my sister my little sister really kio just know one thing boy you break her heart I'll break your face do you understand me

Kio: chill bro I'd never do such a thing
But does that mean I got your blessing to date her

Josh: yeh I think so
Anthony: and now quin what about you
Quinton: josh if I said the struts will you kill me or smth

Josh: just know that what is on y/n is the same on yara

Quinton: umm I like yara very much but plz don't kill me

Josh: take care of  her or you'll end up in the hospital stuck in bed

Quinton: ok..........?!

How bout you yara

Yara: well I like quintons pretty very much

Y/N: ha I new it

Yara: hehe

We then went down and the door bell rang as I opened the door...

Cliffhanger... hehe

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