Tyty's ACT Part 2

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The week went by slowly, Tyty studying and preparing while the test creeped closer and closer. Finally, Saturday arrived. Tyty woke up early to do some last minute studying. His stomach was filled with anxiety and he could barely think straight. He ate breakfast and drove himself to school for his test. Sitting in the parking lot, Tyty forced himself to take a deep breath. He could do this. He knew he was smart enough to do well. He got out of the car and started walking to the school, humming under his breath to keep his anxiety in check.
He went inside and checked in, and he was given a spot to take the test.
Within no time, it was time to begin. Tyty took another deep breath. He was going to rock this.

Three hours later, Tyty emerged from the school, feeling absolutely drained. He drove home, wanting to do nothing except lay in his bed and watch Tik Toks.
When he pulled into his driveway, there was a familiar car there. Standing there was someone Tyty hadn't been expecting at all.
"Chris!" gasped Tyty. "What are you doing here?"

Tyty's ACTWhere stories live. Discover now