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Before they walk outside to catch her grandparents on their porch they waved. When they noticed a Vixen.

Baby girl who's that girl with you

This is Vixen sheets kind of your granddaughter. Sorry you can yell at me later

Wait a minute granddaughter what when does happen is she your biological or adopted you're probably exhausted. I forgot you can't have kids.

"Let's just say it was by accident wasn't on intentional. Actually Grandma there's more than one way to need to make a baby you can also make it with burn their and DNA how do you think this one happened. So yes she is my biological daughter." Her mother answered the grandfather did notice her fangs. I didn't say anything.

"Morgan Freeman I don't know what the hell you waiting for a grandkid." I'm hungry old bringing working her over to their porch. The mixing was nervous so she hid behind her. They didn't say anything. About her mother's sudden height difference

It's okay. Their family these are your great- grandparents and this is Vixen.

Oh my goodness aren't you a pretty little thing we haven't had a Wrath born in the family in. Especially a pretty little.

"Grandpa you knew. How come I wasn't worried about the fact that she was like that. Because of an experiment. She's the one who had to tell me." Her mother blurted. Taking off with their glasses. Her grandfather was all smiles.

"Oh yeah we got quite a few. Types of nonhumans in the family. Wraths aren't the only thing we got. But their the strongest. Fair personally in my personal favorite. I haven't had one born in over 500 years. Do you know I know how happy it makes me. It warms my heart. To see one born from our bloodline. 90% off how many only have hybrids so they're not too difficult to deal with.
Where are the free thought we had lost all of our purebred bloodlines. How old is she cuz I know wraths are born fully grown. So how old is a sweetheart?" He asked feeling down when she stood behind her mom.

"She's 2 days old." Her mother answered and he just smiled.

"So that explains why you're so shy. It's all right pappy. I'm going to hurt you. I just want to take a good look. At you and make sure you're healthy. Minnesota nice when you young lady. How do that one you were born Human. And we know that for a fact. Because we had elder check you and everything." Her grandfather asked.

"Okay well I may have been hiding from everyone. Since I've moved up here I was sick I had stage 4 brain cancer. I had had it for 3 years already and I've had several surgeries I've had chemo and everything. But none of treatments. First place that I had up to three years I wish I had a big one there but my daughter's in that only had up to a week neither one of us are ready to say goodbye so she did this because I carried the Wrath gene. It was just dormant so she did something to wake it up. But it was something. I should think of she had tried everything else. Hey it's better than being dead besides I actually get to do what I wanted and leave my own daughter. I didn't want to leave her alone and she's my most valuable possession so I didn't really want to trust her in just any person's."

Sweetie, hell didn't you tell us what kind of help did you not trust us or something that is some serious shit. Did your parents even know do anyone know why do you keep that to yourself all these years 3 years old. And you were your ass off. Where is that why you're always hiding in the house and never letting us in. When we came to check on you. We're going to help pay for the talking about learning how expensive that shit can get. Made sure that you get the proper treatment. I swear I would have never let you out of that house without enough and we would have you let us take care of you.

Grandpa is going on 70 years old and no freaking way I was going to ask you to take care of a woman in her late twenties. Plus because of where it was at and Progressive it was I know I didn't have much time left and I had made peace with her already but it's actually the reason why I left you two there was actually Four reasons but I never tried one. Which I kind of regret big time because the jerk that caused it. I love Terry so I didn't have my family to look lonely on him but then him and must do the cousin decided that they were going to see a bunch of s*** my family back home things I ran off with some sugar daddy with my child I lost which was the real reason I left heart I'm cheating on me. With my cousin try to get away. From them and fell down the stair case. Which is the reason. Why I cannot have kids. They made me hold her. Because I ended up going into labor after one of her to her still. She was dead. You both know how badly I want to children. I was 8 months. All my unborn child follower Trump think of in a car work the same time and she was sending me pictures of hers. It was also a girl. I swear that hates both of them and
I could every single time with him right then and there especially when they came out and I was expecting rain to tell me that there was no problem with the baby and they told me that I had brain cancer it makes me up pretty bad that's. Why I closed myself off of people didn't want anyone near however. Let me know and I didn't even come to you guys. Your my grandparents. I wouldn't even told my own mother or father literally nobody real I kept it to myself I didn't have nobody dope Watch Me Slowly so I figured I'd make it my problem and my problem alone. And yes the reason I wouldn't let you in my house was because my doctor gave me special machines.
Should I kept in the kitchen. That I had to use to keep me alive. I knew if anybody would say that people would know something was up but I think it was time that I was honest with my family you especially since I'm cured and they got a granddaughter they probably want to know. Wait does dad know about the whole non-human thing?" Her mother asked.

"Most definitely my dear. He actually had a twin was a half-breed but he got shot. He was only part wolf. So he didn't stand a chance. Do you mind if I call you other relatives and let them know what the freak is actually going on including your parents and because we like to get each other updated when we find a new nonhuman the family it helps us keep records. Especially ever since his brother get killed because it wasn't an accident it was a hit and run. Like they did it on purpose. And since she's so young. We want to to keep an eye on and make sure. The same thing doesn't happen to her. Or you." Her grandfather asked.

"Yes please do because like I said. I feel guilty that I didn't tell them now." Her mother, exclaimed. Picking up her daughter and propping. Her up with one of her arms. And her grandfather grabbed. His cell phone out of his pocket. Put it on a group chat with video to each. Of their mirror photos from section. Putting it on speaker.

Okay can y'all hear me you're about to see something that hasn't happened. In 500 for our family. But I'm just so damn happy about it I just had to share and plus I actually kind of the real reason why our little Vivian you moved all the way across the country I'll print this off and I want to find out. But she's opened up about it. But only after the fact by the Vivian has a daughter. Which is the reason why I called she's not human she's purebred. Wrath I see a pretty thing say hello to Vixen. She is 2 days old so congratulations Grandpa. Her grandfather said pointing the camera at Vixen and Vivian.

Hold up what the shit there's two of them. But Vivians human. We had her tested and everything

Yeah but cousins that doesn't mean that I don't carry the gene it was just dormant. Vixen is definitely my biological daughter. Before any of you say anything about me not being able to have kids I only can't because I fell down a flight of stairs when I got douchebag cheated on me with my cousin he knocked her up the same time I was eight and at the same day I got diagnosed with brain cancer I had stage 4 so pretty much the machine to make it to my own thing keeping me alive they told me I had 3 years first but because I have Progressive it was they said I had one year but like I said because I have Progressive it was Vixen I only had a. I wasn't about to leave her by herself so I let her do it. So can one of yall beat the shit out. Of Henry he freaking knew about every single bit of this. So did cousin Miranda or whatever. But breaker name is I'm sorry. I don't like her I hate her now because of it but after I lost my she's having a blood pressure the first my daughter almost ripped her throat out and I was supposed to water. Because I thought it would be funny to make fun
Of my sorrow and pain and how emotionally messed up. I was from everything going on.
When I lost my first Burger because I know it was a girl. I never saw her afterwards obviously she was already past disease and they made me hold her. It really messed me up my bad. Which is why when I got here that's why I didn't talk to nobody. I wouldn't even my grandparents in the house.
And those two assholes were making fun of me for losing mine. Not mention were literally making fun of me. Cuz I was dying and the pain I was feeling. Really mature so anybody near the house bleed the air out of them he tried putting on a sob story tried freaking getting me to come back and stuff and I'm not coming back. While Miranda was sitting in the background trying. To videotape it while running her mouth Vixens and they only did the sob story thing so I would unblock them on my phone so they could tell me they were engaged. Yeah I don't give a shit in fact I could bring his whole entire house down with both those two ingrates in it. And honestly they don't deserve to be happy they made me miserable animated came out of it do you know how many times I know somebody killing myself I was already dying so I just went I didn't get into it and that when Vixen happened. Yeah let's just say this I was praying in samples for making hybrids and one of them ended up my blood in it and when I went to go see the embryo I seen a Human Instead of an animal. I wasnt going to let them kill her so I took her home instead. Then I found out she was made of my DNA. Sorry I now we got vixen absolute lover children on normal way so I can only do it artificially and I didn't even know it was mine anyways I brought her home not knowing she was mine till I looked at her DNA and realized that is my DNA. I finally got to be a mother and she saved my life more than once not just the cancer act like she gave me reason for being. She gave me the world to live. She's my special miracle." Vivian said, kissing Vixens head. Her whole family is excited about the newest addition.

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