XIII - Part One

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05:49 A.M.




The sound of water droplet's was the only thing you could hear.

Jennifer struggled to keep her breath as she slowly crawled her way in the Saint Phillips Asylum's sewer pipes.

"Ew," Theodore scrunched his nose. "It smells like something died in here"

Olivia snorted. "It comes from your mouth. Dumb-ass"

"Don't forget you're crawling behind me," Theodore smirked. "Keep saying stuff like that and I'll fart on your face"

Olivia scrunched her nose in pure disgust. "You wouldn't!"

"I wouldn't bet on it if I were you" Theodore chuckled.

"Guys, could you just stop? We can't be detected" Jennifer whispered loudly as Olivia faked gagged.

Silence came upon the three teenager's as the focused on the only thing they had on their mind. Reach the other end of the sewer pipe so they could reach the forest next to the Asylum, entering it and run far away from that place.

Crawl after crawl.

Step after step.

Less than two minutes later and they finally made it across the sewer pipes, resting their feel on the mud surrounding it's exit.

Theodore toke a long deep breath and smiled. "How I missed fresh air"

Olivia arched her eyebrow at the young boy. "You had outdoor places at the Asylum, you know"

"I know", Theodore looked at the dark-skinned girl. "But this air is different", he smiled. "It feels like freedom"

The three teenager's smiled at each other.

They were finally free. Just a few more minutes to make across the forest and they could finally find a way back home, back to their friends, back to their life's.

They were finally relaxed.

Well, until the Asylum's alarm went off.

Sirens could be hear along miles. Red flashing lights at the top of each one of doors and windows of the Asylum. Guards shouting and running around looking for the runway patient's.


02:13 P.M.

"Calm down, Jenna" Theodore said as he gently grabbed his blond friend's hands, preventing her of attacking someone out of pure jitters.

Jennifer gulped. "I can't. I just can't" She toke a deep breath. "Can't you see that this proves he actually exists? That he's not a product of my own imagination?"

"Jenna, please-"

"No" Jennifer interrupted Theodore. "We have to find her"

Theodore tried to persuade Jennifer, only realizing he was ignored and he saw her sprinting through the Asylum, probably to find the new patient.

"For god's sake" Theodore thought to himself as he chased his blonde friend. "She's going to get in trouble if she keeps doing this".


"I'll keep an eye out for the nurses and guards. Do what you have to do" Theodore smilled at Jennifer, while she entered the room where the guard previsiously took the new patient, the Silent Room, which was basically a room with now windows, a small blinking light in the middle of the room on top of a single metal chair full of chains, used to secure the patient.

The patient that the guards took away the day before was sitted in the middle of the room, chains surronding her and the small and rosty metal chair to the floor. Her head was held down low, face hiddin with her long black hair.

"You're here because of him, aren't you?" the dark-skinned girl's voice echoed all over the room.

Jennifer gulped. "Yes"

"There's more about him than you know"

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